Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Wrote this last month

For the 40 billionth time, he's Denjiro. This was obvious since the 1st chapter of the flashback where Denjiro was shown to be an expert at handling money, i.e. Kyoshiro's fucking profession.

Look at this passage: "Poor, unlucky Kyoshiro is going to miss the banquet! He has to look over the capital where all the Samurai are locked up! The very Samurai that the Kozuki want to ally with! What a wild coincidence!"

We had Shutenmaru adopt a new name. We had Kawamatsu looking after Hiyori. Kyoshiro is doing both.


Man denjiro slashed Hiyori. Ganted even though he kind of saved her from Orochi, but no scabbard would dare harm or make odens child bleed. But WOW he is the traitor crazy. That officially debunks Kiku, Kanjuro, and anyone else. Still would like to know who stabbed ashura in the back tho. I doubt denjiro switched up on oden back then when they fought kaido and his army. And that hand that stabbed ashura was human like and sort of like zoro or luffy hand. It couldn’t have been king or queen or jack, so who is it that backstabbed ashura? We will never know smh.
More like Double agent !! Seems like Denjiro was planning up something ! Its too easy to conclude he is a traitor .
The family of Mitsuki

After flying Momo and the Samurai to the future, the crested ibis dies

I'm afraid I can't find any evidence that the Samurai are dead.

Denzilou changed his appearance to hide his true identity.
He pushed himself to the ground and was replaced by a leopard.

On the other hand, he stole the money from the warehouse as a witching three boy.

After that, he discovered the harmony that had separated from the River Pines, and revealed his true identity.
I asked him not to tell me who he was until the moment of the decisive battle.
In order to protect kawamatsu instead, he called himself Kogi and made him live

What a translation:steef:
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