Spoiler One Piece Chapter 974 Spoilers Discussion

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Looks like an absolutely stunning chapter again btw.

What I'm really interested in: What the flying fuck is Kaido's and Orochi's connection?

At first I thought Kaido was the chad, who has everything under control and just lets his puppet Orochi be the public representative.

Now it's becoming more and more clear, that both of them somehow have equal rights and that Kaido actually enjoys Orochi's presence and respects him somewhat.

They literally acting like good buddies.
Honestly... with how good orochi's spy and connection was all this time... I can actually see why Kaido kept orochi as a partner all this time.. and didn't just dispose of him after reigning over Wano.
because orochi has proven with his cunning dirty tactics that he's been so god damn useful and resourceful... even more than brute powerful underlings like Jack as an example!
Truly resourceful
A 1v1 duel between Kin'emon and Kanjuro would be pretty intense. They're the two Scabbards we've known by far the longest, both of them jumped through time, they're the only two that use DFs (unless Shinobu is a Scabbard now), and it's a battle over Momo with Kin essentially acting as his fake father. Kin'emon might feel as the "leader" of the Scabbards it's his duty to take out the traitor.

They should be even in terms of abilities. Kanjuro posses hardening haki, they're around the same age, most likely share a similar amount of battle experience becoming Samurai under Oden, Kinemon can cut flames but Kanjuro and the full potential of his DF should add another level to his capabilities.

Though who is supposed to take on Orochi with this stuff playing out? Zoro gets stalled for more than a few pages? I guess Orochi manages to slither away until the end.
A 1v1 duel between Kin'emon and Kanjuro would be pretty intense. They're the two Scabbards we've known by far the longest, both of them jumped through time, they're the only two that use DFs (unless Shinobu is a Scabbard now), and it's a battle over Momo with Kin essentially acting as his fake father. Kin'emon might feel as the "leader" of the Scabbards it's his duty to take out the traitor.

They should be even in terms of abilities. Kanjuro posses hardening haki, they're around the same age, most likely share a similar amount of battle experience becoming Samurai under Oden, Kinemon can cut flames but Kanjuro and the full potential of his DF should add another level to his capabilities.

Though who is supposed to take on Orochi with this stuff playing out? Zoro gets stalled for more than a few pages? I guess Orochi manages to slither away until the end.
I'm pretty sure Raizo also has a devil fruit.


Honestly... with how good orochi's spy and connection was all this time... I can actually see why Kaido kept orochi as a partner all this time.. and didn't just dispose of him after reigning over Wano.
because orochi has proven with his cunning dirty tactics that he's been so god damn useful and resourceful... even more than brute powerful underlings like Jack as an example!
Truly resourceful
Kaido is muscle and Orochi is the brain. Have you seen cp0 directly deals with shogun ? Hopefully people realise Orochi is very resourceful.


Zoro Worshipper
LOL, and Sanji got destroyed by base Doffy and it took two rounds of Luffy's strongest form to beat base Doffy after Law seriously injured the guy. I know you don't like Law, but please don't downplay him. Zoro will have his moments, don't worry.
Moreover Kidd has already fought against Kaido and you know what happened
Have any of y'all changed your mind with regards to how strong you think Kanjuro is? His ability could be pretty broken and dope depending on how Oda uses it. I mean this man can paint anything and tbh, I still don't get how he pulled off not getting killed by Kinemon even though he got cut in half o_O. I mean the only df's that are capable of doing that are logias but his fruit isn't so he is either using a clone or his fruit is special somehow (maybe a special paramecia like Katakuri?). Also how the hell did he steal momo...lolz....we saw the scabbards sail off leaving momo and shinobu behind. So his he able to create an exact replica of someone, personality and all?:steef:
Looks like an absolutely stunning chapter again btw.
Yeah agree the spoiler looking amazing.
But seeing the last panel with Kid/Law and Luffy together, do they gonna really take the Win already in Onigashima?
What is about the plot with Marco/Weevil and Nekomamushi?
I had the feeling that the war overall either take only in wano(which doesn´t would have the impact as overall in wano) or it continue overall in Wano. I really looking forward for the current events, the fire festival will be even better then the teaparty who I like a lot(fantastic chapters).

You though Larry?
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