Spoiler One Piece Chapter 974 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the Best?

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ok they could be equal
them stading together doesnt confirm that they are . You could have one die this arc or before eos. so many variables before you start saying its confirmed.
if its" just your opinion", then its prob not confirmed. lol.
It is also not confirmed they are weaker than Luffy lol. What is the reason Oda portrayed Kidd and Luffy as rival 3 times?


garp is law?
ndule come on
Old gen had 3 top Ds : Xebec Garp Garp Roger , one D was friendly rival to Roger, the other was an enemy.
And 4 other top fighters : WB Shiki BM Sengoku

Worst gen has 3 Ds too : teach law luffy ... you know already Law is friendly while Teach is the enemy
, 4 other top fighters : Katakuri Kidd Sabo Coby

Either Katakuri is BM or WB
Kanjuro: I am exactly that!

Kinemon: Kanjuro!??

Kinemon: Stop joking around, all of us were almost executed in a boiling pot!!!

Kanjuro: Yes that's right, and it's precisely because I'd have died with you all that I was able to fulfill the perfect role!!!

Kanjuro: Since, I was a kid, ever since I lost my heart/emotions, I've always been searching for a place to die.

Kanjuro: From the very beginning, the Kanjuro you all know never existed.

Kanjuro: I experienced joy and sorrow together with you all on a daily basis, obtained your absolute trust...didn't resent any of you, and I also intended to hurt any of you. The only thing I did was to continuously feed Master Orochi information

Is it just me or this doesn't really explain why Kanjurou did all that shit? :odenugh:
Sounds like he's just a psychopath or something

Apparently hes just insane

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE oda reminding u who the allstars of the alliance are. how olds that SA panel again?:madmonk:

zoro sadly didn't make the cut again lls
argument was never zoro making the cut
argument was whether those two will pull their weight alongside luffy.
and this is a manga thread. you are posting spoiler info now. :myman:
real sorry lad.


ok they could be equal
them standing together doesnt confirm that they are . neither does it suggest one is shiki's parallel and the other is wb's. You could have one die this arc or before eos. so many variables before you start saying its confirmed.
if its" just your opinion", then its prob not confirmed. lol.
Luffy , Law ,Kidd are around the same level ( very close)
in fact Law was clearly dominating Doflamingo in their fight Luffy G4 wasn't needed :kayneshrug:

Marco The One Piece Theorist not only got his time travel theory right but also Kanjurou being the traitor!
The man always do his research before posting any theories. Love the fact that he is from my country, Brazil.

Luffy already with the Pirate King coat, Oda never disappoints!

The trio of Sabaody is ready to shake up the world!
Kanjuro's face as a traitor was pure awesomeness.

Zoro fans taking their deserved L as they should (regarding Kaido) but he will shine against the monster that is King!

Man I just love Oda.
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