i heard oda used to have a better editor pre ts, maybe that’s Part of it
The other problem is scale. There’s waaaaay too many things happening in Wano and way to many characters present to give any one more than a moment or two of shine., outside of luffy of course. The story is waaaaay too bloated and unfocused and it’s not a good thing. Not everyone can make an Avengers infinity war with the number of characters and plot lines present... I don’t think oda should be trying, but he is.
and honestly, i Don’t care about any of these side players, not even the scabbards. They’re fine and all but I won’t even remember their names the minute we leave this location. Like... focus on the characters who have been in the story for over a decade. Or even the characters who you’ve been teasing for years but we have heard nothing about... Vegapunk, green bull, etc etc etc. Story is ridiculously bloated rn.
Zoro’s fanclub have nothing better to do I see.