Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

Who Would Win?

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Trivia about Yamato :

Japan had famous battleship in WW2 its named after Yamato as well . The individual kanji are 大 meaning "great" and 和 meaning "harmony"

I wonder why kaido named his son after wano country which is also "country of harmony".


The Road To Harmony
the kanji which make up Yamato can spell out "great harmony".

大 - Great
和 - Harmony

To me, this hints at a truce born through Yamato and Momonosuke. Something akin to what Oden and Kaido might have had under better circumstances.

And if the recent spoilers are true and Kanjuro is merely lost around Onigashima, then he and Momo will likely come across Yamato, beginning his and Momo's friendship.

ok so what are the odds that Shanks and BB have a mole/spy hiding within their crew too? :vistalaugh:
that is WRONG comparison,
Tobi Roppo are separate Captain crews now under Kaido just like FireTank Pirates, SunPirates.... while officers of Beast Pirates are Numbers like Officers of BMP were her children .... (Numbers Can be stronger than TobiRoppo but lower than Jack)
Your though about the matchups?
I honestly dont know whether the F6 would be wiped out early or not, but my predictions are generally the same with everyone else's. I do have some other possible matchups. F6 could act as warm-ups, plus reducing the enemy's force (except for Drake).

-Zoro vs WW (good warm up b4 facing King)
-Sanji vs P1 (with Ulti interferring)
Sanji's one is tricky since I know some wouldnt like it if Sanji has a rematch with P1. Thats why I think Sanji vs Drake is possible as well, but the clash wouldn't last long. Maybe Drake would tell Sanji that he has his own agenda, resulting in a halt. Sanji vs Queen would be the real deal.
-Jinbe vs Sasaki
-Black Maria vs The Girls, but it could also be 2 vs 2 with Ulti.
-Drake could clash briefly with other SN like Law/Killer

-one of them could also be a hypetool for Kid to show his strength, would be interesting as well.

-as for Franky, Brook, Usopp, Chopper, I dont see them clashing with the F6, maybe act as assists (?). I'm more into the idea of them vs Numbers.

I wanna hear your predictions on these as well!
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Yamato is honestly a pretty curious name for Kaido's son. First because It doesn't seems Kaido is from Wano (equivalent of fantasy Japan) so stereotypical japanese for his son is odd (all beast pirates have foreign names). And because it's not a typical "bad guy" name. For example "Orochi" sounded villainous for the japanese readers even before we saw him because Orochi is the name of a legenderay and evil japanese snake monster. Kanju used for Kurozumi in the manga also lireally means "black charcoal" aka darkness.
Meanwhile "Yamato people" is how japanese refer their own ethnicty (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_people )
Yamato-damashii "japanese spirit/values/moral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato-damashii )
Yamato nadeshiko "the perfect japanese" woman ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_nadeshiko )
And depending on the kanju used yamato can mean "Great peace)
At the end it's just a name, so it could mean nothing but I truly doubt Kaido's son will just be a gag character or simple strong guy to fight for the straw hats and nothing else!
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