Spoiler One Piece Chapter 984 Spoilers Discussion

Who will Yamato-Chan fight?

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Pepebusi Spammer
Ulti is an ancient zoan, probably awakened like those impel down prison guards who kept getting back up no matter how many times you would put them down. So idk what you’re trying to say here, yamato did in fact knock her out.
Yes, ancient zoans durability is insane and if the users able to do an awakening stage, then its wrap.
They will keep back up. (Unless you got hit from top tier characters):myman:
Just wanted to ask a serious question, why do people think law remaied stagnant after dressrosa but zoro who hasn't even shown anything on luffy level is admiral level..... if it was because zoro fought a non serious fuji, did people also forget that law fought both doflamingo and fujitora and has actual better feat than zoro....plus this is a shonen characters get stronger after each arc....
For christ sake law is among the top 3 supernova.

And the same people will put kidd who lost to snack above law???....the bias


Lead them to paradise.
Well all of those Oden fanb predictions about Yamato became true huh.

I'm getting the vibe she'll be joining up the strawhats after all of this is said and done, due to that Oden's diary.
She’s the one fulfilling odens will it seems like, not momo/hiyori or anyone else.


Heavy Metal
And once again, it is not about being the direct bloodline, it is more about the inherit will. While Luffy has the will of roger, Yamato has Odens. It is not Ace and it is not Momo, there are better people to follow the will.

I guess Yamato will go with Luffy for some time and when she comes back, she will be the shogun of wano.

Fallen Prince

So Kaido has a daughter that pretends to be a man, he accepts her choice and this daughter has a secret diary that she tries to hide from daddy. Had someone told me this would happen before Wano arc started, I would have thought it was just a bad troll. It sounds so ridiculous on paper.
Well at least we found out kaido beats his own daughter. Well the " son "could be used in degrotory way to insult his own daughter.

Yamato: "20 years ago I saw that legendary hour long execution! " "No other samurai is as great as him! But the ones who killed him were Orochi and my dad, I was so frustrated! But even more than that I felt a burning inside my chest and tears wouldn't stop coming... " "After that the journal of Oden that I picked up in Kuri became my bible."
Luffy: "Huh! Diary?"
Yamato: "My dad doesn't know about this diary! In here everything about his boisterous life and "important things" are written. Now that the scabbards are dead... someone needs to carry on Oden's will!!"
Wow. That's the big reveal of the chapter for me. Yamato has potentially been carrying the secret of Laugh Tale all this time. Something that Kaido invaded Zou for is actually right under his nose.

It's possible Oden took the secret to his grave, so he only wrote something vague about Laugh Tale. Kaido may have already read this and didn't find the information he wanted. This is where his hunt for the Scabbards while keeping them alive then stemmed from.

However, I doubt that Yamato's "Bible" would be repossessed by Kaido so easily. It would have been reduced to smoldering ashes for sure. Which is makes it all more likely the secrets to One Piece really are stored in there. This is a huge plot device we're working with. Even the chapter was named after it so its importance cannot be understated. I could see Yamato burning it like Franky burned the blueprints to Pluton should the worst come to pass.
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