Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

Will Yamato Chan join the Straw Hats

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Fallen Prince

I have a feeling zoro will def scar kaido but ends up losing to him. This will mark zoros growth in storyline he will play supporting role to luffy just like rayleigh had with roger.

The fantasy of zoro killing kaido will not happen , its either luffy or blackbeard , one of them will take honor.

For some odd reason oda has dropped the idea of shusui coming into play and decides with enma. I dont think zoro will completely master enma untill he meets mihawk if they both fight.

This is the only reason i dont see him surpassing oden so early in wano.


Lead them to paradise.
You should make more theories, you have already a count of 100% when it come for you theory to became true dude...
But @Pantheos said me back then that the alliance could lose which make even more sense. Kaido and Big mom taking a ancient weapon and the biggest war begins.
In that case @Jo_Ndule make a predict too that the alliance going get defeated.
They talked about getting ancient weapons. Caribou is in wano, he knows shirahoshi is one, Shierley's prophecy about fishman island getting destroyed involving a man with a straw hat. FIshman island being big mom's territory.

Im really starting to think they leave wano behind and go into FI to get shirahoshi,thats where marineford 2.0 will happen.
I still think that the alliance will fail at Onigashima and that the marines will come in act 4.

The news of the alliance of Kaido and BM moving forward and of the new Onigashima Project, plus the failures to capture the Warlords and Blackbeard's latest moves may convince the Marine HQ and the heads of the World Government to speed up the process of the creation and mass-production of Vegapunk's new weapon and of the new Pacifistas and to strike in Wano before the Yonkos can get their hands on the Ancient Weapons.
Man straight up lying all the time
I'm gonna become the greatest swordsman : there is Roger
i'm gonna round up the samurai
i worth 2000 men: struggles against 7 gifters
i will avenge tono yasu
i will never lose again
atleast tag teaming half dead Orochi will somehow do justice for him
Thought mods were meant to cut down on troll posts? @TheAncientCenturion
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