Oden made Primebeard sweat and clashed evenly, tgeur cladh was off paneled and we just see next chapter people saying he was fighting WB and now he wabba join.

Akainu still couldn't overpower pre ts Jinbei and Marco
Still 2 shotted sick dying WB
Still could only beat curiel and Iva, he didn't even beat any top commander fairly, needed df advantage over ace to dominate.
Kuzan and Kizaru needing distractions for YCs that are Ashura/Denjiro level at best.
Skinny BM had more power than Akainu and overpowered Jinbei
Kaido can die, and still have better feats than Akainu. Let Oden strike WB, WB head us gone since his dura us trash. 3 admirals couldn't KO WB, not even temporarily put him on the floor or unconscious.
Despite free hits on damaged WB ... Base kaido got one free hit and finished a freak of nature Oden.
Jack is the sole reason why the Mink tribe was almost annihilated. Queen captured Kaido's fellow Yonko and King went ahead and humiliated 90% of BM's crew. What do you mean by Kaido is the only reason why they survive?
Jack is the sole reason by using gaz. He never dominated any Duke 1 v 1, vice versa.
We don't even see Jack overpower Inu or Neko while we saw Neko flip Jack like fodder.
The same king who gets easily disarmed by Izo, pushed away by Kawa.
Queen whose skills are trash unless he gets distraction.
Please, It is always about Kaido, he's the one who recruited samurai nowby imposing his will, the one who recruited flyers after beating them, the one who beat SNs
While with BM, BM doesn't even get to see most enemies coz some of her kids handle SNs, rookies etc... and win/dominate the war