Zoro got nailed by Hawkins and then had to be treated by tsuru

Hawkins captured Law too, that is a feat Zoro would never be able to accomplish. Law > Zoro you know. Hawkins > Zoro too
Hawkins the fodder **** was able to only land a hit on Zoro because Zoro had to save his worthless captain and Otama and what did that cost Hawkins? 3 subordinates and 3 lives while Zoro wasn't even trying to kill Hawkins just hold him off, not using Haki or serious attacks or anything while Hawkins pulls out his ultimate card.
Hawkins fails at Hurting
-capturing Luffy
-Capturing Zoro
-Hurting Otama
-Gets called loser by Tsuru (written by Oda)
You have to be on permanent dose of paint chips, toilet water and cheap drugs if you think Zoro didn't embarrass the living shit outta Hawkins there.
Hawkins woulda been one shot if Zoro used ISDS lol, because LS kick was able to take 3 lives while laser was only able to take one life and gap between ISDS and casual nameless flying slash is size of a planet.
Lmaooo at wanking a literal fodder like Hawkins and suggesting he can push Zoro past low diff.
Get off the crack