Break Week One Piece Chapter 987: Faithful Servant


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When were you under the impression this game is..
Well this opening came out before this chapter and luffy was standing in front of big mom and this chapter he standing in front of big mom that was a spoiler lmao
What kinda logic is this, is big mom with Napoleon out? Where are zoro and sanji?
You guys jump to conclusions too much tbh.
So I didn't give my take on the last chapter,

I genuinely don't know how to think about Kaido right now :wonderland:I'm trying to be careful to not put him a very high pedestal and get disappointed soon, the scabbards are looking so fiercely strong right now that I regretted downplaying them earlier on
The dog and the cat might actually serve some serious damage with their sulong forms on the next chapter though of course I won't say it will put down Kaido even temporary
Also I wonder if Luffy will join the fight while scabbards are on? Or he'll just watch till the end?
God so many things this arc still needs to address:

- Kaido's past, relation to the Oni Giants, BM/Rocks
- Onigashima's real name and why the skull is at Wano/How Wano is geographically even the way it is.
- Yamato's history with Ace and motives overall
- How Tama, Hiyori, Tengu and Onimaru all factor into the climax
- Numbers full reveal
- Zoro's ties to Wano
- Fates of Orochi and Kanjuro (if they are truly dead or both have much deeper goals)
- Whatever other players join in on the conflict
- How these clashes are resolved overall


God so many things this arc still needs to address:

- Kaido's past, relation to the Oni Giants, BM/Rocks
- Onigashima's real name and why the skull is at Wano/How Wano is geographically even the way it is.
- Yamato's history with Ace and motives overall
- How Tama, Hiyori, Tengu and Onimaru all factor into the climax
- Numbers full reveal
- Zoro's ties to Wano
- Fates of Orochi and Kanjuro (if they are truly dead or both have much deeper goals)
- Whatever other players join in on the conflict
- How these clashes are resolved overall
Still 2-2.5 years left of Wano...then 8 more years after that :madmonk:


He definitely WANTS to finish it soon, and I think that's what he was saying. Not that it'll actually finish in 5 years (or actually 4 years now since he made the comment). No chance.
He always wanted to finish it quickly. It never worked tho. That way he is either going to rush it and leave a crap ton of plot points that are "less relevant" to the conclusion unresolved. Or he is going to keep drawing for 10 more years. Unless he dies before that. Oda is not getting younger&healthier.
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Remember originally he wanted THE WHOLE MANGA to last only 5 years.


He always wanted to finish it quickly. It never worked tho. That way he is either going to rush it and leave a crap ton of plot points that are "less relevant" to the conclusion unresolved. Or he is going to keep drawing for 10 more years. Unless he dies before that. Oda is not getting younger&healthier.
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Remember originally he wanted THE WHOLE MANGA to last only 5 years.
Yeah I made a thread about this when the comments started making the rounds
Since the “One Piece is ending in 5 years” headlines are making the rounds around here, I thought it’d be good to start this thread.

I’m obviously at worst skeptical of such claim and at best 100% certain of its inevitable inaccuracy. Oda had given numerical estimates many times previously, and is almost always off the mark.

I’m sure he HOPES to end One Piece in 5 years due to the pressure of keeping up with such a gigantic franchise, but looking at how dense the upcoming stories would need to be to conclude every unresolved plot line, it’s just not possible to do so within 200 chapters.

By analyzing how Oda chooses to write his story and which elements he chooses to focus on in his narrative (I won’t breakdown that here because it’d be too long), his perfectionist self will not allow him to cut corners on resolving the upcoming plot lines.

If he truly believes he will end the series in 5 years, he will swiftly realize how unrealistic that is once he actually starts drawing week to week in the upcoming arcs. That is of course unless he suddenly decides that he doesn’t care about his story anymore and starts cutting corners, which I sincerely doubt will happen.

Anyway, I thought I’d make a list of the unresolved mysteries/plot threads/character goals to further show how unrealistic it’d be to cover all of it in 200 chapters. My best estimate would be around 350 more chapters, which corresponds to 8-9 more years.

  • Imu’s true identity and goals.
  • The giant strawhat / the hidden treasure in Marejois and its connection to Law’s devil fruit.
  • Vegapunk’s indentity/history and his new SSG creation.
  • The fate of the former warlords, especially Weevil, Hancock and Mihawk.
  • Kuma’s history with Bonney.
  • Aokiji’s true goal and his alliance with Blackbeard.
  • The Rocks pirates’ history and the God Valley Incident.
  • Shanks’ conversation with the Gorosei and his overall character arc.
  • Void century story.
  • The three eyed clan and their ability to read poneglyphs.
  • Voice of all things explanation (Luffy, Momo, Roger, etc…)
  • Joy Boy identity and the meaning of the Will of D.
  • The fate of the 3 ancient weapons.
  • Luffy destroying Fishman Island and the fate of the Noah.
  • Vegapunk explaining devil fruit origins and how Blackbeard is able to use two devil fruits.
  • What happened to Sabo, Vivi and King Cobra?
  • Dragon’s war with the celestial Dragons.
  • Greenbull’s identity.
  • Coby’s journey towards becoming an admiral and the goal of Sword.
  • Kaido’s individual backstory and the reason he’s suicidal.
  • Denjiro’s identity. Lady Toki's story.
  • The incident the Strawhat grand fleet will cause.
  • Prince Loki’s story and the whole Elbaph arc.
  • Enel’s return and the connection of the moon race to the void century.
  • King’s race and the three races Big Mom is missing from her island.
  • Katakuri’s fate and if he’ll meet Luffy again.
  • Last road ponelyph’s location and finding Laugh Tale.
  • Identity of Thriller Barks monsters.
  • Luffy finding the One Piece and fighting Blackbeard.
  • Zoro beating Mihawk and becoming the WGS.
  • Nami finishing the map of the world.
  • Usopp becoming a brave warrior of the sea.
  • Sanji finding the All Blue and re-uniting with Pudding.
  • Chopper creating the ultimate cure.
  • Robin discovering the true history.
  • Franky guiding the Sunny go to the finish line.
  • Brook meeting Laboon.
  • Jinbei and the Vinsmoke’s fate.
  • Law, Kidd, Uroge, Hawkins, Drake, etc… stories and fates.

Also keep in mind that Oda will still introduce new mysteries and characters as we go to new islands after Wano :gokulaugh:

Let me know what to add to the list because I’m certain I missed some unresolved plot lines :suresure:
It's like u say, he'll either leave major unresolved plot threads or just rush them (which is unlikely), or draw for another 10 years. Let's hope he makes it cause being a mangaka is an inhumane job. Go watch deadline countdown when he was preparing chapter 963 I think. Imagine doing that weekly for 10 more yrs!


Yeah I made a thread about this when the comments started making the rounds

It's like u say, he'll either leave major unresolved plot threads or just rush them (which is unlikely), or draw for another 10 years. Let's hope he makes it cause being a mangaka is an inhumane job. Go watch deadline countdown when he was preparing chapter 963 I think. Imagine doing that weekly for 10 more yrs!
Like, seriously, he should think about his own life for once. At the end of the day, One Piece is just a manga and Oda is wasting his entire life drawing and running after murderous deadlines.
He said in interviews that he wants to die lying on a beach instead of dying on his desk.
With his current work ethics, I fear he's not gonna make it.
If he comes back to focus only on the Strawhats he can end the manga in 7 years
Too late for that. It now needs to be about the strawhats and everything else relating to a major final conflict. His story has only been setting this up since beginning, he truthfully is going to need another 10+ years post-Wano at his pacing, unless we all expect it to just get thrown in the garbage.

Not only that, but he consistently reminds us about said points as of hes promising he'll get to them. Allt of them aren't even directly related to a final war.

Idk, if Oda is up for it, I'd prefer another 10-15 years to honestly prevent ruining his magnum opus. All of these plot points are related to the main plot. Being addressed in companion books will 100% feel cheep because he spent pages/chapters teasing them or setting them up.

I think we will find that, just like many authors of great Epic's of their time, Oda will struggle to end his story satisfactorily without addressing as much as he can first. 5 years a goal he sees, but knowing him it can and will easily double that number due to what he needs to finish and his tendency to add even more.
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