It's a completely different scenario, Momo not denying Oden was a sign of courage for an 8 year old about to be murdered to not spit on the legacy of his great father who gave him a great name out of love, and to not spit on the respect of all of his retainers who are fighting this war for him in part.
Judge was the one who denied Sanji not the other way around. Judge didn't raise Sanji, he still doesn't love Sanji, told him to never link himself to him and a few weeks ago tried to set him up in a death trap by holding his real father Zeff hostage.
Reiju and Sora fine, but they aren't really even Vinsmokes from a patrilineal perspective.
Zeff are the origins of who Sanji is as a man, so Kuroashi epithet is perfect for him.
Again, that's not the issue.... Judge does NOT represent Germa or the Vinsmoke history.... Vinsmoke Family existed in the PAST... they ruled the north blue before.... Just because your father is a jackass and abandoned you, doesn't mean you reject ALL OF YOUR BLOODLINE of being a Vinsmoke.... meaning, you are rejecting even your grandfather and great grandfather and all of your anscestors (when the man at fault was mainly just your father) for having a messed up head!
I'll give you an example, let's say you serve your country, but for whatever reason, your country is now ruled by someone you despise... So... do you completely deny your nationality now? or do you ACCEPT your origins, but stand against the ideals of that ruler? and fight the system itself?
your family is XXXX, and you don't like your father who is the head of that family... you can STILL despise that father, but STILL embrace the family name and be proud of your origins
Just because you despise one person from that family, doesn't mean you have to deny ALL of it....
It's like for example, I hate someone from specific nationality OR a family just for personal history, it doesn't mean I have to hate ALL the other family members
That's what I mean by "Sanji needs to embrace his origins" and accept who he is as a Vinsmoke... BUT can still despise his father... Cause his Father is NOT representing all of Germa/Vinsmoke history.... and that's where Sanji is failing imo.... Look at what Judge is saying here about Germa's past.
There is CLEARLY some big deep history of Germa regarding the "66 days of hope" which we have yet to uncover.... And it sure as hell, Judge here is talking about the ancestors... the FOUNDERS of this kingdom/family... Judge may have gone the bad route in regaining the Germa glory... but it doesn't mean the anscestor were as low as Judge...
Hope my point is clear... Sanji can aknowledge his origins and be proud of being a Vinsmoke while still despising his father cause his father doesn't represent all of Vinsmoke Family history