Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Well, the UN is no same with the one who leaked the pic, but the ID is same. I'm confusing.. lol
So could be fake?
I hope it isn´t, because we see Jack vs Inuarashi, Kaido let stop to search for Yamato(or at least the race), King find Yamato, Who s Who vs Drake, Queen join the battle.
In the end Luffy G4+xDrake+Zoro vs Queen+WsW and Numbers(two already get defeat by Luffy?).
I hope the spoiler are true...
G4 Luffy,Jack,Kaido and the others, we literally have anything.
And if these spoiler are true, you can expect that Luffy now can use G4 as he can use G2, because he spamming it now without worrying much about it. I think he didn´t have a timeproblem anymore because of controlling his haki very good.
I expect another G4 or even G5 form against Kaido.
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