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Zoro + Tashigi vs Monet
Zoro + Orlumbus vs Pica
Zoro + X Drake vs Apoo

#ZoroAlwaysSolos :ihaha:
Zoro one shot Tashigi after Tashigi had been body bagged. Zoro already won his fight as said by Tashigi "I have never seen someone win a fight like this" and then she just finished Tashigi off. Where did the tag team happen? Tag team is Shiki vs Garp + Sengoku, straw hats vs Oars

Orlumbus was there to send Zoro to Pica not to fight him, so he can save Usopp on time. He doesn't even need Orlumbus to beat Pica. So where was tag team?
When did Orlumbus tag in to fight Pica?

Do you even know what tag team means? Check out Jinbei + Sanji vs Wadatsumi. Both landing their ultimate attacks in coordination
Where did you see anyone NEEDS anyone to do anything.

Like did the scabbards need all of themselves to beat Kanjuro and his 6 gifted?
everyone here knew they are not gangbang kanjuro. in fact the blood only on kiku's sword.
and here 2 of them one chaptered YC 3 while zoro needs 50 chapter only to work together to beat 1 non flying sixer lol
How does that show its casual?
He is showing results on his training against Pacifista.

Sanji has nothing better than DJ in his base form, unless HM is a form but the fact that he used DJ against Doffy shows its far from casual.

He only used DJ twice against Vergo and both times he fucked him up @critical mindset
Hells Memories is Hells Memories not DJ. Against Doffy? it was definitely casual because Sanji used the same attack on fodder fishman at fishman island. Sanji wasnt using his best abilities on Doflamingo. And same Dj he used on Vergo he used on Fodder bro..... Infact Sanji factually used a stronger attack on Sheepshead than he did against Vergo. lol
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