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-Top of the dome Kaido is fighting the Scabbards, Jack is down (temporarily), Nagi is down, exhausted Minks went away
-5th floor: Unknown (maybe King?)
-4th floor: Unknown (possibly WW/Hawkins?)
-3rd floor is where Kidd and Killer are fighting gifters/headliners to go up, Black Maria is also here
-2nd floor is where Luffy, Jimbe and Sanji are facing gifters/headliner to go up, Queen is on the balcony (?)
-1st floor: No one
-2nd basement: No one
-Main stage is a battle royale cause of Ice Oni plague, Zoro and Drake vs Apoo for the antidote, Chopper is infected and is with Brook and Robin, Nami and Usop are running from Ulti and P1 with the help of Tama. Big Mom just entered the room, probably followed by Marco. 3 Numbers (Goki, Jaki and Juki) are down
-Underground is where Law is looking at the Poneglyph
-Outside Carrot and Wanda vs Perospero

Don't know where Franky/Sasaki/Hatcha are (but probably still main stage cause I don't think Franky took the stairs with Hatcha on his back), and by consequence where Yamato/Shinobu/Momo are falling

This seems the current scenario, tell me if something is wrong
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