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Fallen Prince

Kinemon can damage kaido...

But that doesnt mean he can "fight" him, the bunch of fodders that could damage WB was beyond i can count, that doenst mean they are a big treat to wb or can "fight" him. That apply to luffy, zoro and almost anyone, If the little Tama pierce a knife on luffy she Will damage him.

Be able to Damage someone doenst mean shit, kaido proved and neg diffed ALL the scabards that are veteran and YC lvl characters.

Luffy Will not only damage kaido but put up a fight, BUT, whit a group to be able to take him down.
At this point you shouldn't be surprised fighter with advance form of haki can damage yonkos or admiral.

Even prime Hyo would have given decent fight. Its all about what level of haki they possess.

This was virtually non existant in pre time skip untill luffy experienced loss against admirals in sabody.
Which translation is correct? Does Zoro say he is there to slay Kaido or to wound/cut him? @T.D.A
The word kiri uses the kanji 斬

Verb form meanings:

斬る【きるkiru】to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.); to slice (off); to lop (off); to cut (off)

So it would be cutting down rather than just "cut/wound" if you went down that route. I think slay is acceptable but I could be wrong.
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