Kidd attacked apoo solo without needing anyone to pressure/distract apoo
Kidd didn't sneak attack... apoo saw him and failed to dodge
Apoo didn't see Zoro attacking him in time coz he was busy fighting and cursing Drake
Zo6o wasn't better, he fought Apoo ij 2v1 and couldn't land a hit until Drake gave an opening
Kidd attacked once and landed straight, zkro attacked 5x or so and landed once lol
Kidd attacked apoo solo without needing anyone to pressure/distract apoo
Kidd didn't sneak attack... apoo saw him and failed to dodge
Apoo didn't see Zoro attacking him in time coz he was busy fighting and cursing Drake
Zo6o wasn't better, he fought Apoo ij 2v1 and couldn't land a hit until Drake gave an opening
Kidd attacked once and landed straight, zkro attacked 5x or so and landed once lol