What did i lie about?
Why you talking about potential? Ace wasn't stronger. Oh so now you want to cry. Talking about why you using Admirals Lmfao this is your 4th L of the day bro. Doesn't matter who i use. The point is you don't need CoC to be stronger. Thank you for admitting your narrative is nonesense. But but CoC
Why would i compare Ace to hawkins or somebody else. All i have to prove is that you can be superior without CoC. So your cliam about but but he doesn't have CoC lmao
Sabo would wreck Don too
Show me where says its necessary to be stronger with CoC.
He never soloed Kaido, he hit him once in his slowest form 20 years ago. Then got club when distracted.
You cliam is that Marco is stronger then Zoro cause he didged him. So if thats true, Zoro should of been stronger then Kuma.