One Piece Episode 1074 - Believe in Momo - Luffy's Final Big Move

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I haven't watched any full episodes since 1062 lol

I might do a 12 episodes marathon, enjoy Gear 5th

seems like most of the fight is done, only the Big Punch is left


Can someone posy Aramaki's color scheme
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Toei always shows us how good the can be while also kicking us in the balls and calling us a whore. Despite all that, We always come back crawling for some more peak/garbage.
Toei think everything is dragon ball proceeds to give aura and stuff. That's why 1010 was ruined. Too much of aura.
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Can someone give me episode link with English subtitles?
Okay, watched 1074 live.

I had tempered my expectations for this episode a bit because one of the storyboard artists and animation directors said not to expect much. I only expected like one very good action scene.

The first five minutes are pretty standard OP stuff.

Then after that is the most insane action sequence in the entire franchise. WTF. That shit literally went for three whole ass minutes without stopping. Absolute mad shit. Literally how.

And then it just continued in the second half, which was not only very well animated, but also incredibly directed. Genuinely got me a bit emotional.

Freaking lying ass staff, the episode was great. Probably one of if not the strongest of the gear 5th batch outside of the first five minutes.

And next episode looks really good as well with Koyama at the helm and Tu Yong Ce on animation director duty. Can't wait.


Zoro bois I'm sorry but
This animation is well done
Doesn't surpass Zoro vs King but definately gives a competition.

And Luffy Bros this is much better than Gear 5 Introduction.
I'm just glad Zoro got so many super highly animated scenes in Wano

most of Zoro's fights in the anime used to be very stiff and with very little motion

we got Zoro vs Killer, Zoro vs Kaido, Zoro vs King

Zoro and Sanji vs King and Queen

Zoro vs Wano Samurai at the start

it was good

i feel like Sanji and Luffy had better animated action sequences before Wano, compared to Zoro

but now we got some good ones


Pretty much over for Wano anime, can't believe it

I still remember watching the first episode of Wano and seeing the animation change

what a wild few years it has been, with everything happening around the world

Wano will always be the Pandemic Arc for me, and the first arc i followed weekly from start to finish

lot of ups and downs, but we got through it

and now the story is on a crazy pacing to the end