One Piece Episode 1080 - A Celebration Banquet! The New Emperors of the Sea!

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Them being not cuffed is not even a W at this point, King and Queen were in no position to fight, and yet the agenda at the time insisted that they were.

Which side was basically on the winning side here? :milaugh:
The agenda insisted that king and queen were imprisoned and handcuffed, and GB attacked them unprovoked. All of which was obviously false in the manga and now further disproven in the anime.
Them being not cuffed is not even a W at this point, King and Queen were in no position to fight, and yet the agenda at the time insisted that they were.

Which side was basically on the winning side here? :milaugh:
I'd say admiral fans lost this one. But if I was a huge admiral fan I'd have disowned greenbull ever since the CoC incident with Shanks.

That man is not him.

I like all the admirals we've been introduced to. They all have presence, but Greenbull just comes across as an absolute fraud.

Oda wasn't cooking when he created this man.
Bro why is ndule mentioning Zoro here :suresure:
:denzimote: Reminds me of a recent thread about Whitebeard where the last sentence was an irrelevant Zoro slander

Damn, Queen really got the moves this episode. That was cool as Hell.

Couldn't find any good english trans yet so just enjoying the action. Guess there's no ambiguity, King had the start of the purple aura when Greenbull impaled him. Same aura Queen had when he got sucked. Oda just didn't want to draw King in that compromising position, out of respect.
Where were King's zoan wings?

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
I'd say admiral fans lost this one. But if I was a huge admiral fan I'd have disowned greenbull ever since the CoC incident with Shanks.

That man is not him.

I like all the admirals we've been introduced to. They all have presence, but Greenbull just comes across as an absolute fraud.

Oda wasn't cooking when he created this man.
He feels like a Sanji opponent imo.
They didn't have the cuffs on, point conceded. But the anime REALLY goes out of its way to point out how King and Queen are not in good physical condition to put up a decent fight, even greenbull spells it out for the audience. It would've been a very high diff if they hadn't been so wounded at the time. King doesn't even use his flames or anything.
Injuries don't make you this weak skills wise
Being healthy isn't making Calamities go from upper-low diff to high diff

They had gifters help in the manga,
They are at best upper-mid diff when healthy vs GB in 2 v1
I mean, Queen > Katakuri as well
Yeah Queen above Katakuri in dreams

I wonder why Queen lacks CoC, adhaki, awakening, and wasn't Luffy's fight in Yonko Saga

Luffy's fights : kaido and Katakuri
You think one of these guys is below some dude Oda uses to hype GB?

Injured Momo did better than 2 Calamities
Injuries don't make you this weak skills wise
Being healthy isn't making Calamities go from upper-low diff to high diff

They had gifters help in the manga,
They are at best upper-mid diff when healthy vs GB in 2 v1
King couldn't even use his flames. Queen transformed and immediately reverted cause he couldn't keep it up. It's over for Greenbull. This was the peak of his portrayal.
Most embarassing character, Oven has higher Natural durability than him and got his neck destroyed by f*cking nameless kick from WCI Sanji.
His AP is also laughable, could not hurt Sanji's brothers with his awakening.
Did you forget the part they were bloodied before being saved and healing offscreen?

I guess Ichiji didn't get no diffed by casual Katakuri
Cover story was germa having plot, they did nothing to Katakuri

Downplaying Katakuri because your favs are hyeptools for top tiers ain't gonna work
I stand corrected he opened his eyes once,now shoe the panel of him reacting to frankys punch which he can do unconcious apparently

Luffy never reacted to Franky. His body naturally made a noise after he was punched. He isn't capable of talking or taking note of his surroundings. Unlike with Lucci/Kaido