I've got to say I'm not too happy considering this episode marked the climatic action of the Strawhats meeting Orochi. Last week was mere build up, but here the art and animation quality should have been better. Besides Kyoshiro's beautiful cut, the rest was rather forgettable.
Why was Orochi so nasty this episode? All those deformed faces, undrawn scales left and right, and those awkward movements. They did my boy dirty.
Robin was smacking ninjas left and right. Nami and Shinobu bring down the roof on Orochi in an awkward time-delayed manner. Nami drops the Zeus bomb on the Shogun. Too bad it all looked so unremarkable. Wano likes to add unnecessary sparks and flashiness, Zeus could have used some of that. Zeus looked more like a flash bomb going off with very little actual impact felt. It doesn't matter if some fodder get electrocuted, let some fodder feel Nami's terrifying power! We see outside the Shogun's castle afterward still undamaged, even though it has to be rebuilt the following day. The best part was how Hanzo's ninja robe goes from pitch black to radiating yellow.
Kyoshiro and Komurasaki's scene was on point. Loved every bit of that. Kyoshiro approaches like he's doing a flash step from Bleach. The intense sword swing. The blood-stained background. The sakura petal explosion afterward. Finished by posing with his back turned and blood on his face. That was truly the Kabuki theater the manga intended to convey.
That last page with Big Mom would have been better adapted next episode. Jumping to new events already kinda belittled everything that just took place. Funny how Tama knows there's a Calamity working in Udon and he looooves red bean soup. I'm hoping the anime gives us some prison break filler with Kid. The manga gave us nothing but off panel, so I'll take anything. Kid's break out plan from Udon and what he does as a free man outside the prison has interesting potential.