One Piece Episode 957 - Big News! An Incident That Will Affect the Seven Warlords

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Arguably the best directed episode of the entire anime. I can't believe One Piece looks this good outside of movies.

Fishman Island, Alabasta, Secret Force SWORD, Reverie, Wano, Blackbeard, Hancock, Mihawk, Weevil, Buggy,...I feel stuffed. Sketches One Piece's "big world" feel to perfection.

Hancock and Mihawk looked amazing. And Buggy's eccentric personality as usual stole the show.

Legit 10/10.
this is movie quality animation god damn! hoping for more of this animation in the future episodes!:steef:

The 7 warlords, Swords, and the news we missed out during the reverie like WTH happened to Sabo! what is BB planning!? i'm excited that the main battle finally started in the manga but can't also wait when we learn what is happening outside wano:perocry:

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Arguably the best directed episode of the entire anime. I can't believe One Piece looks this good outside of movies.

Fishman Island, Alabasta, Secret Force SWORD, Reverie, Wano, Blackbeard, Hancock, Mihawk, Weevil, Buggy,...I feel stuffed. Sketches One Piece's "big world" feel to perfection.

Hancock and Mihawk looked amazing. And Buggy's eccentric personality as usual stole the show.

Legit 10/10.
Man, you should have keep the Hancock avatar instead of the Big Mom one. Perfect timing for this episode too T_T


Arguably the best directed episode of the entire anime. I can't believe One Piece looks this good outside of movies.

Fishman Island, Alabasta, Secret Force SWORD, Reverie, Wano, Blackbeard, Hancock, Mihawk, Weevil, Buggy,...I feel stuffed. Sketches One Piece's "big world" feel to perfection.

Hancock and Mihawk looked amazing. And Buggy's eccentric personality as usual stole the show.

Legit 10/10.
Dimensions don't look good as an avy but this sig tho :steef:
  • Fujitora, the man it all started with, actually got it done. Props to him.

  • What would constitute a rich and powerful country at Reverie? Kano Kingdom with the Happo navy? Populous places like Alabasta and Fishmen island would get heavily trashed by a single Super Rookie pirate crew like Cavendish or Bartolomeo's.

  • I can't believe Attach, who messed up Sanji's first bounty poster, was a damn fed all along.:sadgrin:
  • The Stampede OST when Morgans puts up the fists:suresure:

  • Gotta admire Morgans. He knows he's a manipulator, he doesn't pretend to be anything above that, and he absolutely loves it.
  • Just can't get enough of Doffy's glowing glasses.:pepedoffy:

  • As far as I can understand: 1) Something happened to a royal from Alasbasta. 2) Something involving Sabo. 3) Blackbeard reacted to the news saying it's time to take something before the Navy do. The best way I can tie all three into one event is that King Cobra was killed, Sabo was framed for it and got captured, and now Blackbeard wants the Mera Mera before he gets executed. If Sabo was free, he would the relayed the truth to Dragon already. If Sabo was dead (this is One Piece), the Mera Mera would have reincarnated by now and Blackbeard would be moving too late.
  • Koby taking Hancock back to the Charlos sex dungeon. When the doujins become real.:akasalt:

  • The shot featuring the 7 Shichibukai. The shot with Moria and his crew. Crocodile's Alabasta. Doffy's Dressrosa. It's all so beautiful.
  • Reintroducing everyone we already know with epic title screens is what I call Oda-approved. :cheers: Also a nice lead in to what next episode is about.
Glorious. Easy contender for one of the single best One Piece episodes. Makes me feel wonderful knowing this is the direction the anime continues to trend towards. I legitimately felt like I was watching a movie or special. Very impressive that it was done in an episode with very little action involved too.

So much praise all around. The episode went around the world and still provided one beautiful scenic shot after another, just look at something like the old shack Drake was talking in. Reintroducing the Shichibukai one more time before their demise was excellent padding. Good OST choices as well, I believe there was two Stampede tracks with one used at the end. I love the way practically everything in the episode got framed with flashy titles, attention drawn to character poses, and the scrolling shots for large group stills. My favorite parts were the transition snippets featuring movement like Doffy taking care of Moria or Weevil surrounded by fire and marines. Imagine if Toei could go back and redo the Reverie arc...

I think I'll just rewatch this episode over and over as I wait for next week. The next episode should be bigger in terms of content, but anything approaching this quality will leave me very satisfied.