One Piece full color Volumes 100-101-102 out 2nd August 2024!!!

Well that's one topic that's gonna be put to rest. Dumbest thing to argue about but it is rootbear so....
Dumbest thing to argue about.. When the manga official colors has already proven that Black Lightning is CoA and Red Lightning AdCoC, but y'all won't accept it.. You're all delusional to no end..
Lets goooo!!.. Finally end the debate..

It's already proven to be black green on 2 instances..
Remember our bet?

in case you forgot let me remind you.

I said that those lightning colors will always be different. Blue/red/pink etc meaning it does not mean anything only the implications of it.

You said only Red = AdvCoC and anything else is AdvCoA.

Lets see now

It’s been 84 years This is gonna be the most ground breaking release of digitally colored comics.
We will tell our kids about this release and our kids will tell their kids etc.
Not only will this cover The end of the Rooftop battle it will also cover all the strawhat fights except Luffys. We will also be able to canonically visually see when characters were using certain abiltiies. This is it.
Been curious about colors since volume 102 dropped
