definitely no.
The only problem with the actual OP (post TS) is how Oda trying to expand his manga universe, giving importance to a minor characters who people dont give a fuck about them. That makes main villians, mugiwaras and possibles next nakamas, dont shine anymore and chapters extends so much. Extrapolate this to a pre-ts characters, for example: Aisa, Conis, Pagaya, etc. have the same treatment as Scabbards/alliance/Minks, and people starts to shitting so much in skypea arc for how extensive is.
Same with the long flashbacks and background of characters that are not joining, like Rebecca, Kyros, Momo, some scabbard, and possibly Carrot (or in the future Yamato start decreasing her nakama treatment as long the saga transcurs) . Imagine giving a long flashback to Paulie, Monet, Wiper, etc or that characters consume a insane ammount of the chapter. And these characters dissapears post his reference saga.