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Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
I can tell you that one of us has been completely accepted without challenge by this game

while the other was forced to fully claim

i was called a pad player for not claiming earlier

yet the other player has claimed much later after i did and nobody seems to have any problem at all

i wonder who has people behind them defending...
That's not the reason for it though Indigo.

As much as it might be "unfair" we do get stock as players and claims for past behaviours.

Mine is on the positive with past experiences and with how rigid I am with indie claims.

I guess you would be on neutral.

I do helieve your claim though since Fuji has an histroy to put similar yet different roles in his games.


That's not the reason for it though Indigo.

As much as it might be "unfair" we do get stock as players and claims for past behaviours.

Mine is on the positive with past experiences and with how rigid I am with indie claims.

I guess you would be on neutral.

I do helieve your claim though since Fuji has an histroy to put similar yet different roles in his games.

can't wait to see you fool everyone, good luck


The End and the Beginning
I can tell you that one of us has been completely accepted without challenge by this game

while the other was forced to fully claim

i was called a pad player for not claiming earlier

yet the other player has claimed much later after i did and nobody seems to have any problem at all

i wonder who has people behind them defending...
You can spare me this to be honest. You were a wagon, Waifubro was not. So you were required to full claim, and since then several of us who were supporting your wagon have moved off of it. If Waifubro was a wagon he would have had to full claim too.

For reference, your reaction to being voted was first to act like you had no concern about it and then to roll over right around when Flower joined it. Which was third or fourth vote. So there was plenty of reason to suppose you may not have been genuine with some of your positions. Hence the need for a claim.
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