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Early morning peeps

Welcome to the Mangaka Showcase! Try your luck and join this tournament by quoting this post and telling a short story of about a few lines and a winner will be choosen!
"It was too much."
Standing on tired legs that felt as if they would give out at a moment's notice while holding back gaps of air that tasted of stomach bowel, and blood. My mind once again wondered why I keep moving forward. Was meeting a pair of strangers that had never been there for my brother and me really worth all this pain and stress? Was the torture we endured trying to find them after all these years worth it? We had moved on from them! We became men that could look out for ourselves. My brother for all his faults had been there for me my whole life, was I really willing to lose him on this fool's journey to find two people that did not even want us? "No," I said out loud as I began to force my pained body to move in a direction that lead home.

"Cat where are you going? We're so close now we just have to keep going!" I could hear the desperate plea in his tired tone as he watched me walk in the opposite direction. "I'm done Dog" I yelled back as he was forced to follow as our body stretched as I moved towards my new goal.

"I'm going home."

The Swordsmith shop is now open, you may quote this part of the post to join it.
I also demand a weapon befitting my stature!

Welcome to the Mangaka Showcase! Try your luck and join this tournament by quoting this post and telling a short story of about a few lines and a winner will be choosen!
The warrior had just finished his battle against the dreaded wolf pack. The village would sleep easy tonight, but he would not. He had grown tired of the violence, the anger, the fights. He had not known peace for some time now. However, he knew that his blade was needed if the town was ever to achieve peace again.
Such trolling could be done from scum slot to diffuse situation into a joke. On the other hand, Destroya does not seem to be in real danger yet. But i did not like his "I am so busy" entry and i think self-votes in Mafia are terrible as a matter of policy. Experienced players like Destroya should be better than this.
So you're allowed to joke vote for me but I'm not allowed to follow? Look this stiff post trying to make nothing into something.

I'm having fun, Melkor! If a self vote is enough for you to suss me, we can tango if you'd like.
Okay, so I've had to draw this out of you more than I would have liked. No comments on my position of it?
I have kept my vote on him, so it is self evident i found his behaviour suss. It is not like i am super convinced on him being scum, which should be obvious at this early stage.

Your position is neutral for me.
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