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what do bounty hunters do anyway

im thinking possible flowa think u have a bounty on u?
Makes no sense for a Blacksmith to have a bounty, again, my character can't even fight

in One Piece you have bounties if you're a threat to the World Government

Pirates, Bandits and criminals in general


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Guys, let me explain this shit again if it wasn't clear enough lmao

I open the shop with the WU, anyone who quotes the WU will be able to see my services during the NP

during the morning i can basically do two things: change one of the three services and set the prices for the three services

then, at NP, everyone will see those three services and their price, and they get to choose if they wanna pay for them or not

i could make all services expensive as shit or cheap as shit
is it a first come first serve or there is literally no way for us to stop mafia from buying stuff
Indigo seem is a neutral indie, Town and Scum can use his forge thing.

But when he decide to side with Scum and harms Town, we lynch the swordsmith.
his *role* itself sounds neutral. and i think the role itself sounds similar to funi's style of balancing so far

he himself i don't know will actually play the neutral indie or a partially scum sided one

i think that distinction needs to be made with indies in general

(for instance: a pro-town SK that works as a psuedovig because their wincon doesn't conflict too much by "town siding" vs a "scum siding" one. the issue with this is even town leaning indies try to take shots for town and the scum team is filled with influential players which might lead to the perception of them being scum siding, thus getting shot themselves)
If you guys don't want anybody buying my services

i can make all of those 10 billion and nobody buys anything

then i don't make shit

i basically turn vanilla by doing that lmao

and everyone will know that when they see the shop during the NP and see the prices
so it's a one shot that can be used towns favor

(or scum if they shook)
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