[Passive - Magu Magu No Mi] Any player targetting you with an offensive ability will have it disabled for a phase afterwards.
[Passive - Logia Intangibility] As a logia many things can just outright phase through you, you cannot be moved. You are immune to redirects.
[Active - Great Eruption] Target a player and burn them, they will lose an x shot of one of their abilities.
[Active - Magma Tunnel] You may commute yourself for a phase.( 1 shot)
[Active - Meigou] Target a player and challenge them to an RPS, if they win you become vanilla. If they lose, super kill them. (1 shot) Non refillable, Usable Day 3 or layer.
[Active - Meteor Shower] Locked.
Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.