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Love is a painful illusion

The Beast Pirates have agreed to throw in the towel, I know some could argue they could have toughed it out or subbed out but if your no longer having fun then it's going to be a uphill battle to even want to post. Subbing out would be easy but I've already had to sub in way more people then had to and I still need subs for other roles. Subbing in a entire Mafia group is the death nail, maybe it was bad timing or maybe I was too ambitious with this game but I lost alot of enthusiasm as the game went on and had to find more subs or the rules not being respected. I think it would be best I take a break from Mafia in general, I would like a real discussion concerning role revealing in games or people signing up for games they know they can't commit too.

Thank you to those who were playing or joined the game, it's not the way I would have like this to end considering the amount of work that was put in this set up but I think the aftermath and real talk from both Mafia and town could lead hopefully to some change in terms of what is or what shouldn't be allowed for hosts in their games


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
It doesn't work like that IMO

Without BP there is a lot of leeway for town whilst it cucks scum roles. It would be a drag to play and i can understand from Ariess side to jus axe it, i would do the same
I might be overthinking but what if

Hakai is kind of anti claim kill and this wu is fake to bait us

Ya I am overthinking it but this wu is fake until Aries confirms again that game ended.

Also, there is nothing much about other factions in the wu as well
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