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Sir Crocodile

(Mr. 0) You will appear as town under investigations and lie detects

(Baroque Works) Target any player and cult them to your group. This has no effect on Luffy, Part 1 Luffy, Law, Kaidou, Big Mom, Blackbeard, Buggy, Shanks

(Agents of Baroque Works) You have the following one shots
-Daz Bones: Become Bulletproof for 2 cycles, super kills have 50% of failing on you
-Bon Kurei: Target any player and copy one of their abilities as a one shot
-Galdino: Protect a player from Baroque Works from base form actions for one cycle
-Gem: Pick any post number, player who lands on it has 1-3 of their abilities burned depending on rng
-Miss Double Finger: Pirate Assist abilities that target you in the cycle will be destroyed (unable to be reused or copied)
-Miss Golden Week: Pick any color blue (town) red (Mafia) or Purple (Indie) Depending on which you choose determines which random role you can take confuse for the phase
-Miss Merry Christmas: Reuse a Failed Pirate Assist ability
-Miss Valentine: Depending on what's rolled (1-5) via the host will determine your vote power for the dayphase

(Sand Logia) You have the following one shots
-Sand Hook: Target any player steal their vote for the dayphase
-Barjan: Pick any number, player who lands on it has one ability absorbed as a one shot
- Ground Secco: Absorb one ability from a Baroque Works Culted player that has been killed or lynched
- Desert Grand Spada: If you lose a r/p/s match. Negate it and rechallenge another player for the same prize. (If you win get priorty over the player that defeated you)
-Desert Girasole: Remove a player from the game for a cycle

Burst Mode: For 3 cycles you can reuse one Baroque Works Members base form ability

(Sables) Host rolls a dice of 4 and depending on what's rolled determines how many incoming actions are randomized

(Desert Encierro) Target any player and role block them. Absorb one of their Burst Limit abilities

(Desert La Spada) Target any player and use a super kill on them

(Poisoned Hook) Target any player and each phase inflict them with a random status ailment (Burn, Confusion, Paralyzed) for 2 cycles.


The End and the Beginning
At least on OJ and TB people were respectful enough to leave on time, or even try and find a sub if they had to sub out bcs of XYZ, there wasn't marital problems between players that would derail every game into oblivion and discourage new players to try and play
There were at least two games on OJ that lasted more than 6 months because of random and unconveyed inactivity.


When were you under the impression this game is..
@Ratchet @Flower i was town (Sanji) but gained an indie wincon from assist to die within first two cycles so i did not mind being scummy.;)
Thank you for the amp btw, i rbed Kaido for a cycle since the start of the phase but since it was RPS whoever Kaido was stalled it and sent out abilities, I feel bad for Pot since my rib probably would’ve saved him.


What could have been...
So it seems I need to make it clear.

Because of the amount of unforeseeable situations which include, but are not limited to, hinting roles and the amount of subs needed during the course of the game, it was decided that the game would end prematurely.

I know some of you wanted to continue playing but because of the circumstances that ocurred Ariess decided to end the game as it was not his intention for people to hint and/or having to sub out a lot of players. He was not having fun hosting the game and this was decided.

Thank you all for playing

wait what why
actally just modkill them and let mafia win
honestly deserved

did mafia cry too much?
@Fujishiro :


Base Form Win Con: Kill one Strawhat Pirate (Excluding Part 2 Luffy, Jinbei, Yamato) , one Big Mom Pirates, one Beast Pirates (excluding Big Mom or Kaido), one Indie player, and Beat a Yonkou in r/p/s

Secondary Win Con: Win with your Burst Mode alternative win con

(Nonosama Bo) You have the following one shots

-Gold Staff: Target any player and delay their next action until the next cycle

-Trident: When a Burst Mode ability is activated you can activate this to negate it

-Superheat: Target any player and burn one random ability for 2 cycles

(Vari) You have following one shots

-1,000,000 Volt Vari: Target any player and Burn one of their abilities, find out who they targeted

-20,000 Volt Vari: Target any player and confuse them for a phase, find out their alignment

-100,000,000 Volt: Target any player and confuse them for a phase. Find out their alignment

-MAX 200,000,000 Volt: Target any player and find out their role

(Gods Judgment) Target any player and if they are one of your targets super kill them, if you target a Yonkou (Shanks, Blackbeard, Kaido or Big Mom) Challenge them to r/p/s if you win paralyze them

(Goro Goro no Mi) You have following one shots

-Mantra enhanced Logia Phase: Host rolls a dice of 4, depending on what's rolled determines how many actions will miss you this cycle

-Kari: Pick one Mafia (Big Mom and Beast Pirates) and One Indie Cult (baroque Works, Buggy and Marines) become immune to their actions for one cycle

-Shinzo Massage: If you are lynched or killed revive yourself

-30,000,000 Volt Hino : Host rolls a dice of 3, depending on what's rolled determines how many players you can paralyze that activate a ability after this

-Kiten: The first player that targets you with a ability is paralyzed for a cycle.

-Gloam Padding: Destroy you Pirate Assist and copy one pirate assist not used

Burst Mode: The Maxim: Your win con is changed. Host rolls a dice of 7 and depending on whats rolled determines how many players you must beat and paralyze to win plus luffy

(Raigo) Paralyze every player for the phase

(MAX 200,000,000 Volt Amaru) You cannot be targeted by any actions (including Omega Kills) until your r/p/s matches end

(Mamaragan) Pick 4 numbers players who land on them will face you in r/p/s. If you win paralyze them for the cycle

(60,000,000 Volt Jamboule): Target 2 players and if you successfully paralyze them remove one player or role from your win con.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Nat or rej could have been an option.

Tbh, if you would have asked me I would have got you few subs hook by hook or crook

And, next time BB role is mine lol
Look at what you missed :catblush:


(Impel Down Level 6 Recruits) You have the following one shot abilities
-Revive any Beast Pirates player excluding Kaidou
-Revive any Big Mom Pirates player excluding Big Mom
-Revive any Baroque Works Culted player or player you killed with Van Augar excluding Sir Crocodile

Players revived cannot be killed or lynched until you are

(No Sleep) Every nightphase gain a one shot ability. (This will also apply to the end of day 0)

(Yami Yami no Mi Techniques) You have the following one shot abilities
-Black Hole: Absorb any failed base form ability as a one shot ability
-Black World: Negate the night phase
-Dark Matter: Activate one Burst Mode ability from a lynched or dead player during the night phase (excluding omega kill ones)
-Liberation: See any Janitored role and gain 2 one shot abilities from their base form
-Dark End: Janitor a successful kill shot
-Kurouzu: Absorb an incoming Burst Mode ability

(Blackbeard Pirates) You have the following one shot abilities
-Part 1 Blackbeard: Challenge any Big Mom, Beast Pirate that is not Big Mom/Katakuri or Kaidou/King. If you win kill them
-Laffite: Target any player and find out their role
-Van Augar: Target any player and lie detect them, if they are telling the truth kill them
-Jesus Burgess: Challenge for any Pirate Assist that appears
-Doc Q: Protect yourself and any Big Mom or Beast Pirates player excluding Big Mom or Kaidou for the cycle. Paralyze them the following cycle for a phase
-Catarina Devon: Target any player and hide behind them, they will appear as your alignment and you as theirs
-Shiryu: Hide your real votes in your pms for 2 cycles
-San Juan Wolf: Protect the Impel Down Level 6 Recruits from actions for one cycle
-Vasco Shot: Host rolls a dice of 3 and depending on whats rolled determines how many players can confuse for the phase
-Avalo Pizzaro: Make a fake write up

Burst Mode: Become Super Bulletproof for the rest of the game, you can only be lynched or omega killed

(Kaishin) Target any write up and destroy it.( Has no effect on omega kills)

(Shima Yurashi) Tilt the votes for the dayphase, player with the least amount of votes is lynched over highest votes

(Kabutowari) Target any player and role crush them for the cycle

(Gekishin) Target any player and omega kill them


The End and the Beginning
wait what why
actally just modkill them and let mafia win
honestly deserved

did mafia cry too much?


(Blue Flames) When a Town ability fails you can activate this to copy it and reuse it as a one shot.

(Medical Healer) Target any player and heal them from any status ailments abilities that target them in the cycle works three times

(Phoenix Regeneration) Regular kill shots have no effect on you and base form status ailment abilities only effect you for one phase

(Marco The Phoenix) You have the following one shots

-Saisei no hono: When this has been activated if you are super killed or lynched within 3 phases. You can revive yourself. (Works once in the game)
-Phoenix Goen: See an incoming action, You can stop the action and paralyze the user or amp the action
-Zon-kei Genjushu : Stop an incoming anti town Action and redirect it to someone else
-Tensei no soen: Target any player and delay their next action, pick any number. Player who lands on it has the delayed action redirected towards them
-Ichibantai Taicho: Redirect back any action that targets you in the phase
-Genju Rengeki: Pick any player and vote block them

Burst Mode: Role Block 2 anti town players with the lowest posts for the day phase

(Fujiazami) Protect 3 players from any action that targets them in the cycle

(Hoo-in) Pick any Anti Town Group Big Mom Pirates, Beast Pirates or Buggy Cult. Block them from activating any Haki Burst Mode abilities or Pirate Assists for the cycle

(Blue Bird) Target any player and burn half their abilities for 2 cycles

(Nashi no Tsubute) Heal all town players from any status ailments inflicted on them during the dayphase


What could have been...

The Beast Pirates have agreed to throw in the towel, I know some could argue they could have toughed it out or subbed out but if your no longer having fun then it's going to be a uphill battle to even want to post. Subbing out would be easy but I've already had to sub in way more people then had to and I still need subs for other roles. Subbing in a entire Mafia group is the death nail, maybe it was bad timing or maybe I was too ambitious with this game but I lost alot of enthusiasm as the game went on and had to find more subs or the rules not being respected. I think it would be best I take a break from Mafia in general, I would like a real discussion concerning role revealing in games or people signing up for games they know they can't commit too.

Thank you to those who were playing or joined the game, it's not the way I would have like this to end considering the amount of work that was put in this set up but I think the aftermath and real talk from both Mafia and town could lead hopefully to some change in terms of what is or what shouldn't be allowed for hosts in their games
so who was scum?
seems like they r pretty butthurt

tbh modkill shanks and all townies who hinted

fk town

scum wins this
@Fujishiro :


Base Form Win Con: Kill one Strawhat Pirate (Excluding Part 2 Luffy, Jinbei, Yamato) , one Big Mom Pirates, one Beast Pirates (excluding Big Mom or Kaido), one Indie player, and Beat a Yonkou in r/p/s

Secondary Win Con: Win with your Burst Mode alternative win con

(Nonosama Bo) You have the following one shots

-Gold Staff: Target any player and delay their next action until the next cycle

-Trident: When a Burst Mode ability is activated you can activate this to negate it

-Superheat: Target any player and burn one random ability for 2 cycles

(Vari) You have following one shots

-1,000,000 Volt Vari: Target any player and Burn one of their abilities, find out who they targeted

-20,000 Volt Vari: Target any player and confuse them for a phase, find out their alignment

-100,000,000 Volt: Target any player and confuse them for a phase. Find out their alignment

-MAX 200,000,000 Volt: Target any player and find out their role

(Gods Judgment) Target any player and if they are one of your targets super kill them, if you target a Yonkou (Shanks, Blackbeard, Kaido or Big Mom) Challenge them to r/p/s if you win paralyze them

(Goro Goro no Mi) You have following one shots

-Mantra enhanced Logia Phase: Host rolls a dice of 4, depending on what's rolled determines how many actions will miss you this cycle

-Kari: Pick one Mafia (Big Mom and Beast Pirates) and One Indie Cult (baroque Works, Buggy and Marines) become immune to their actions for one cycle

-Shinzo Massage: If you are lynched or killed revive yourself

-30,000,000 Volt Hino : Host rolls a dice of 3, depending on what's rolled determines how many players you can paralyze that activate a ability after this

-Kiten: The first player that targets you with a ability is paralyzed for a cycle.

-Gloam Padding: Destroy you Pirate Assist and copy one pirate assist not used

Burst Mode: The Maxim: Your win con is changed. Host rolls a dice of 7 and depending on whats rolled determines how many players you must beat and paralyze to win plus luffy

(Raigo) Paralyze every player for the phase

(MAX 200,000,000 Volt Amaru) You cannot be targeted by any actions (including Omega Kills) until your r/p/s matches end

(Mamaragan) Pick 4 numbers players who land on them will face you in r/p/s. If you win paralyze them for the cycle

(60,000,000 Volt Jamboule): Target 2 players and if you successfully paralyze them remove one player or role from your win con.
It was a fake writeup
I sent it.
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