You again jumping guns on this too, buddy.
Dragon is WMM and is only keeping the countries stand against WG together if he is captured, everything would be for nothing. Hence he can't recklessly act just because we fana want Action. It will take time, this was supposed to be only a infiltration mission which was to be handled by Chief of Staff, who again in his position should be able to carry it out. Bt they decided to engage in battle to free Kuma on their own, which complicated the situation.
And Revo commanders are definitely not beaten, and i dont believe if they did Oda would have been offpaneled it. There's clearly more to it.
New spoilers also mention something happened with Alabasta related or Cobra which is what Garp was also what discussing with Fishmens in FI.
In fact i think WG n Marine specifically wants to bait Dragon out. He is WMM and the revolution of so many countries that are against WG would stop once he is captured.