General & Others One Piece, Max Weber and The Domination Concept


Tobidara Believer
Well, in Wano/Onigashima, Oda has been focusing on "Color of Conqueror" and the influence this power exerts on the world.
Except the kingly qualities(something that still subjective for many readers), I would like to analyze and compare the characteristics of characters with this ability within Weberian sociology.

First, I'll make a little adaptation and treat both "dominate and conquer" as synonyms(Haoshoku Haki was showed as a imposition of will on others and not necessarily the possession of material things). With that said, we can start!

Power and Domination
"Weber defined power as the chance that an individual in a social relationship can achieve his or her own will even against the resistance of others. And the use of that will in order to give specific commands can be recognized as domination."
In that sense, we can draw the following parallel:
WILL------>POWER------->DOMINATION (Natural process)
WILL------>CoC----------->Intimidation/Incapacitation/(One Piece process)

The three types of Authority
Our sociologist divides authorities(forms of exercising domination) into three different types: Traditional; Charismatic and Legal. Now, I'll explain each type and classify CoC users into referred categories.

-Traditional Authority
*Characters: Big Mom; Kaido; Chinjao; Boa Hancock; Blackbeard(?) and Xebec(?)
This is the type of authority where the traditional rights of a powerful and dominant individual or group are accepted, or at least not challenged, by subordinate individuals. These could be religious, sacred, or spiritual forms, well established and slowly changing culture, family, or clan type structures. The dominant individual could be a priest, clan leader, family head, some other patriarch, or a dominant elite might govern."Traditional authority is based on a claim by the leaders, and a belief on the part of the followers, that there is virtue in the sanctity of age-old rules and powers".

Big Mom:
She's a matriarch and Queen of Toto Land. Her sons respect and follow her will due to a bloody connection, one of the most primordial and powerful forms of relationship. As for the kingdom's subjects, they submit to Linlin through her founding and leader figure. In special cases, she can use fear to ensure her domination over the inhabitants.

He's the leader of Beasts Pirates. Well, if we take a look at his crew, it's easily to find a lot of commons characteristics among its members: Zoan users, similar garments and accessories like horns. Also, we know that Kaido define himself and Yamato as Onis, as a different race. With these facts, I guess it's not that hard to see BP as an artificial clan(or an attempt of it). The Yonko rules here through his strenght and possible patriarch figure.

Don Chinjao
He's the leader of Chinjao Family. In a similar way to Linlin, Chinjao is a patriarch and exerts the influence and power through his blood relatives. The importance of his family treasure and the care for Sai are great signals of that.

Boa Hancock
She's the captain of Kuja Pirates and the current empress of Amazon Lily. Her both positions are cultural/historic related altough she presents a great charisma.

He's the leader and Admiral of Bb Pirates. As the title itself says, the relation between BB and his titanic captains follows a military structure and linked entirely to the desire for power. There's no clearly statements and the sudden recruitment of extremely dangerous prisoners is a good indication that order in the group is maintained only through the use of force(represented in figure of the admiral).

He's the Captain of Rocks Pirates. We know almost nothing about him but he seems to had similar traits to BB.

-Charismatic Authority
*Characters: Luffy, Roger, Zoro, Shanks, Whitebeard, Kid, Rayleigh, Doflamingo, Oden, Ace and Katakuri
Weber defines charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him". That is, charisma is a quality of an individual personality that is considered extraordinary, and followers may consider this quality to be endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or exceptional powers or qualities. Whether such powers actually exist or not is irrelevant – the fact that followers believe that such powers exist is what is important.
Max also considers charisma to be a driving and creative force which surges through traditional authority and established rules. The sole basis of charismatic authority is the recognition or acceptance of the claims of the leader by the followers. While it is irrational, in that it is not calculable or systematic, it can be revolutionary, breaking traditional rule and can even challenge legal authority.

"It's not some sort of special power, but he has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas..."

Mihawk's speech make clear to the readers: "Charisma is Luffy's strongest power". There's no much to explain here, SH invitations, Grand Fleet creation and now the Samurai Alliance shows how Luffy is portrayed as a great Leader, and as consequence, a Conqueror.

“I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous...but it's gonna shake the world!!!”

Roronoa Zoro being a Conqueror isn't a surprise, but maybe you can ask me "Thuru, why a charismatic one?". Well, like I previously explained, this kind of autorithy is related to examplary/admiration, something that definitely fits our swordsman. His hard-work captives Momonosuke(as we can see during their training), back to the beggining of the story we also have Jonnhy and Yosaku, but best evidence is this cover page:
Here we can see that Santoryu, Zoro's own style, has been learned by all kids from his old Dojo. The story from a simple man, with just his swords and willpower, can inspire the whole world.

"It doesn't matter who you are born to, everyone is a child of the sea and it is wrong to resent a child for his father's sins."

Strongest Man in the World, Rival of Pirate King... WB doesn't need introductions. You're probably wondering why WB isn't in the "traditional autorithy" if his domination was direct related to his family. Well, actually, WB's family wasn't built through blood like Chinjao or BM, but it was forged with care, apprenticeship, love and some punches. His charisma was the key, and the proof is that even the Ace, another conqueror, was dominated by this man.
Whitebeard could have conquered all the seas and islands of the world, but instead of that, this man chose to conquer hearts"

"I lost my mother when I was 8...and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of "Executive" or above are my "family" with whom I've shared my joys and sorrows. They're the only thing I have! I won't forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?"
I believe this quote is enough to proof why Donquixote Doflamingo is here. Like WB, Doffy won a family, not through his Tenryuubito status, but through his own effort and experience lived with these persons. Off course, if we analyze in his perspective of Dressrosa's King, he would fits the previous category. However,
looking at the deepest part his characterization, this place belongs to him.

"You Can Pour Drinks On Me. You Can Throw Food At Me. You Can Even Spit On Me. I'll Just Laugh That Stuff Off. But...Good Reason Or Not...Nobody Hurts A Friend Of Mine!"

We didn't saw much from Redhair, but looking at his few scenes, it's notorious the similarities between RHP and SH dynamic, specially when we look at Shanks as Luffy's EOS objective. His character has a lot of potential, specially his connections with World Governament and maybe the Underworld. For now, I'll place him here.

"Oden wouldn't be Oden if it wasn't boiled"
Kozuki Oden was the Daimyo of Kuri and son of the former Shogun. Using his massive strenght and intense personality, Oden conquered each one of his "Scabbards" without needing his "social status". He died protecting his friends and allies, thus becoming a heroic figure for the country of Wano.

Roger and Rayleigh
"Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form..."

"Do you wanna turn the world upside down with me?"
Our former Pirate King duo; "Gold and Silver"; "Sun and Moon".
These both mans reached the peak of the world, achieved the One Piece and discovered the truth behind everything.
But more important than that, they conquered the respect from rivals, allies and enemies, being greeted by all as legends. Roger's charisma can be noticed in the way his crew loved him, no matter how strong or powerful you are, true bonds are made through adventure.

"Compared to the 'righteous' greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable."
The man portrayed as rival of Future Pirate King and one of the leaders of next generation, Eustass Kid has been showing a great will along the current arc, mainly with regard to Killer and the rest of his crew. The mutual confidence covered in the last chapters can't be achieved with a simple skill demonstration , Kid's will and leader figure are the reason why Killer can give can give his total.

-Legal or Rational Authority
*Characters: Sengoku, Akainu(?) and other admirals(?)
This is authority or legitimate domination resting on "rational grounds – resting on a belief in the legality of enacted rules and the right of those elevated to authority under such rules to issues commands.
There are various ways that legal authority could develop. Systems of convention, laws and regulation develop in many societies, and there are many different principles of legality that occur. The development of law in the West leads to establishment of a legal system, such that there is a rule of law, written legal codes, legal rights and rules, and the "professionalized administration of justice by persons who have received their legal training formally and systematically.". In the West, Weber connects these forms to the development of rationality and bureaucracy. Other legal forms in societies in other parts of the world could develop in quite a different direction, perhaps blocking the development of rationality.
Navy is the military arm of the world government and the closest thing we have to a real life structure. Characterized by a well-defined hierarchy and a rigid system of rules,the centerpiece of this puzzle turns out to be the Fleet Admiral. This position is responsible for managing the sailors, negotiating with the Gorosei, but more important: determine the ideology to be followed during the term.

However, the big difference between the legal authority and the other two is: While in the traditional and charismatic, the organization is at the service of the leader, here the leader is at service of the organization.
Different from the domination exercised by pirates, marines are subject to laws that restrict their actions at certain points. On the plus side, this allows for greater control and manipulation of all the parts that make it up.

That's it, I tried to be as objective and simple as possible, I hope you enjoyed the read. I've been an useless user in the last months so I think it's important to contribute with the community sometimes. I know I forgot to add Mihawk, but I really don't know where to place him, maybe @Den_Den_Mushi would have an idea.

If you think someone can enjoy this read, please tag them. Also, if you didn't enjoyed, feel free to criticize me :)
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Hadn’t heard of Weber before, very interesting!! Really hope this thread teaches a few people the true nature of being a conqueror and the various means through which one’s will can be imposed on others, might help them understand why a certain chef simply isn’t suited for the title :cheers:
I really like this take, well done in putting it all together!

I know competence (sadly) isn’t related to authority, but Mihawk would fall under that category, if there was one. There are also some hints that Mihawk may be from a royal or noble background, for example when he introduces himself properly to Zoro, he drops the the usual masculine pronoun おれ and uses 我が to describe himself instead. 我が is a very unusual way to introduce oneself, especially in shonen, and can indicate that the speaker is nobility or royalty. Notably, he only says this once, and it’s when making his promise to Zoro.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Hadn’t heard of Weber before, very interesting!! Really hope this thread teaches a few people the true nature of being a conqueror and the various means through which one’s will can be imposed on others, might help them understand why a certain chef simply isn’t suited for the title :cheers:
Funny you mention a certain cook that, through his charisma, turned multiple enemies during the story into allies.
His willingness to find the All Blue made a ruthless pirate give up his leg for him.
His empathy towards a starving man, made Gin put aside his relentless loyalty towards Don Krieg to save him.
He had the admiration from Mr2 after their fight.
His small speech to a weaker nakama, telling that he had things that he could do, that even the "monsters" from the crew couldn't.
He, who once mocked a certain swordsman's dream, was willing to give his life for said swordsman, so he could keep on his path to become the greatest one alive.
He helped a man, who had the misfortune of looking like a certain Wanted Poster, to change his appearance and turned this man and his group into allies that helped the crew during Sabaody, and also protected the Going Merry.
His willingness to help "a father looking for his son", even so everyone was against it at the time.
The sincerity that gave hope to a princess that was drowned in hopelessness.
The willingness to die for his crew and adopted father, even though he had to end up being hated by those he cared the most.
But please, man.
Educate me.
You seen to understand the character better than others, considering your comment.
Please, explain to us that the author that have absolute control over the story can't give some character a random ass BS subjective power and justify it however he sees fit.
Please, enlighten us with thy wisdom. Show us the wrongs of our ways.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Funny you mention a certain cook that, through his charisma, turned multiple enemies during the story into allies.
His willingness to find the All Blue made a ruthless pirate give up his leg for him.
His empathy towards a starving man, made Gin put aside his relentless loyalty towards Don Krieg to save him.
He had the admiration from Mr2 after their fight.
His small speech to a weaker nakama, telling that he had things that he could do, that even the "monsters" from the crew couldn't.
He, who once mocked a certain swordsman's dream, was willing to give his life for said swordsman, so he could keep on his path to become the greatest one alive.
He helped a man, who had the misfortune of looking like a certain Wanted Poster, to change his appearance and turned this man and his group into allies that helped the crew during Sabaody, and also protected the Going Merry.
His willingness to help "a father looking for his son", even so everyone was against it at the time.
The sincerity that gave hope to a princess that was drowned in hopelessness.
The willingness to die for his crew and adopted father, even though he had to end up being hated by those he cared the most.
But please, man.
Educate me.
You seen to understand the character better than others, considering your comment.
Please, explain to us that the author that have absolute control over the story can't give some character a random ass BS subjective power and justify it however he sees fit.
Please, enlighten us with thy wisdom. Show us the wrongs of our ways.
Acts of bravery and compassion are highly admirable, and by that measure, every single Straw Hat and all their supporters should unlock CoC :steef:
Well, in Wano/Onigashima, Oda has been focusing on "Color of Conqueror" and the influence this power exerts on the world.
Except the kingly qualities(something that still subjective for many readers), I would like to analyze and compare the characteristics of characters with this ability within Weberian sociology.

First, I'll make a little adaptation and treat both "dominate and conquer" as synonyms(Haoshoku Haki was showed as a imposition of will on others and not necessarily the possession of material things). With that said, we can start!

Power and Domination
"Weber defined power as the chance that an individual in a social relationship can achieve his or her own will even against the resistance of others. And the use of that will in order to give specific commands can be recognized as domination."
In that sense, we can draw the following parallel:
WILL------>POWER------->DOMINATION (Natural process)
WILL------>CoC----------->Intimidation/Incapacitation/(One Piece process)

The three types of Authority
Our sociologist divides authorities(forms of exercising domination) into three different types: Traditional; Charismatic and Legal. Now, I'll explain each type and classify CoC users into referred categories.

-Traditional Authority
*Characters: Big Mom; Kaido; Chinjao; Boa Hancock; Blackbeard(?) and Xebec(?)
This is the type of authority where the traditional rights of a powerful and dominant individual or group are accepted, or at least not challenged, by subordinate individuals. These could be religious, sacred, or spiritual forms, well established and slowly changing culture, family, or clan type structures. The dominant individual could be a priest, clan leader, family head, some other patriarch, or a dominant elite might govern."Traditional authority is based on a claim by the leaders, and a belief on the part of the followers, that there is virtue in the sanctity of age-old rules and powers".

Big Mom:
She's a matriarch and Queen of Toto Land. Her sons respect and follow her will due to a bloody connection, one of the most primordial and powerful forms of relationship. As for the kingdom's subjects, they submit to Linlin through her founding and leader figure. In special cases, she can use fear to ensure her domination over the inhabitants.

He's the leader of Beasts Pirates. Well, if we take a look at his crew, it's easily to find a lot of commons characteristics among its members: Zoan users, similar garments and accessories like horns. Also, we know that Kaido define himself and Yamato as Onis, as a different race. With these facts, I guess it's not that hard to see BP as an artificial clan(or an attempt of it). The Yonko rules here through his strenght and possible patriarch figure.

Don Chinjao
He's the leader of Chinjao Family. In a similar way to Linlin, Chinjao is a patriarch and exerts the influence and power through his blood relatives. The importance of his family treasure and the care for Sai are great signals of that.

Boa Hancock
She's the captain of Kuja Pirates and the current empress of Amazon Lily. Her both positions are cultural/historic related altough she presents a great charisma.

He's the leader and Admiral of Bb Pirates. As the title itself says, the relation between BB and his titanic captains follows a military structure and linked entirely to the desire for power. There's no clearly statements and the sudden recruitment of extremely dangerous prisoners is a good indication that order in the group is maintained only through the use of force(represented in figure of the admiral).

He's the Captain of Rocks Pirates. We know almost nothing about him but he seems to had similar traits to BB.

-Charismatic Authority
*Characters: Luffy, Roger, Zoro, Shanks, Whitebeard, Kid, Rayleigh, Doflamingo, Oden, Ace and Katakuri
Weber defines charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him". That is, charisma is a quality of an individual personality that is considered extraordinary, and followers may consider this quality to be endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or exceptional powers or qualities. Whether such powers actually exist or not is irrelevant – the fact that followers believe that such powers exist is what is important.
Max also considers charisma to be a driving and creative force which surges through traditional authority and established rules. The sole basis of charismatic authority is the recognition or acceptance of the claims of the leader by the followers. While it is irrational, in that it is not calculable or systematic, it can be revolutionary, breaking traditional rule and can even challenge legal authority.

"It's not some sort of special power, but he has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas..."

Mihawk's speech make clear to the readers: "Charisma is Luffy's strongest power". There's no much to explain here, SH invitations, Grand Fleet creation and now the Samurai Alliance shows how Luffy is portrayed as a great Leader, and as consequence, a Conqueror.

“I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous...but it's gonna shake the world!!!”

Roronoa Zoro being a Conqueror isn't a surprise, but maybe you can ask me "Thuru, why a charismatic one?". Well, like I previously explained, this kind of autorithy is related to examplary/admiration, something that definitely fits our swordsman. His hard-work captives Momonosuke(as we can see during their training), back to the beggining of the story we also have Jonnhy and Yosaku, but best evidence is this cover page:
Here we can see that Santoryu, Zoro's own style, has been learned by all kids from his old Dojo. The story from a simple man, with just his swords and willpower, can inspire the whole world.

"It doesn't matter who you are born to, everyone is a child of the sea and it is wrong to resent a child for his father's sins."

Strongest Man in the World, Rival of Pirate King... WB doesn't need introductions. You're probably wondering why WB isn't in the "traditional autorithy" if his domination was direct related to his family. Well, actually, WB's family wasn't built through blood like Chinjao or BM, but it was forged with care, apprenticeship, love and some punches. His charisma was the key, and the proof is that even the Ace, another conqueror, was dominated by this man.
Whitebeard could have conquered all the seas and islands of the world, but instead of that, this man chose to conquer hearts"

"I lost my mother when I was 8...and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of "Executive" or above are my "family" with whom I've shared my joys and sorrows. They're the only thing I have! I won't forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?"
I believe this quote is enough to proof why Donquixote Doflamingo is here. Like WB, Doffy won a family, not through his Tenryuubito status, but through his own effort and experience lived with these persons. Off course, if we analyze in his perspective of Dressrosa's King, he would fits the previous category. However,
looking at the deepest part his characterization, this place belongs to him.

"You Can Pour Drinks On Me. You Can Throw Food At Me. You Can Even Spit On Me. I'll Just Laugh That Stuff Off. But...Good Reason Or Not...Nobody Hurts A Friend Of Mine!"

We didn't saw much from Redhair, but looking at his few scenes, it's notorious the similarities between RHP and SH dynamic, specially when we look at Shanks as Luffy's EOS objective. His character has a lot of potential, specially his connections with World Governament and maybe the Underworld. For now, I'll place him here.

"Oden wouldn't be Oden if it wasn't boiled"
Kozuki Oden was the Daimyo of Kuri and son of the former Shogun. Using his massive strenght and intense personality, Oden conquered each one of his "Scabbards" without needing his "social status". He died protecting his friends and allies, thus becoming a heroic figure for the country of Wano.

Roger and Rayleigh
"Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form..."

"Do you wanna turn the world upside down with me?"
Our former Pirate King duo; "Gold and Silver"; "Sun and Moon".
These both mans reached the peak of the world, achieved the One Piece and discovered the truth behind everything.
But more important than that, they conquered the respect from rivals, allies and enemies, being greeted by all as legends. Roger's charisma can be noticed in the way his crew loved him, no matter how strong or powerful you are, true bonds are made through adventure.

"Compared to the 'righteous' greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable."
The man portrayed as rival of Future Pirate King and one of the leaders of next generation, Eustass Kid has been showing a great will along the current arc, mainly with regard to Killer and the rest of his crew. The mutual confidence covered in the last chapters can't be achieved with a simple skill demonstration , Kid's will and leader figure are the reason why Killer can give can give his total.

-Legal or Rational Authority
*Characters: Sengoku, Akainu(?) and other admirals(?)
This is authority or legitimate domination resting on "rational grounds – resting on a belief in the legality of enacted rules and the right of those elevated to authority under such rules to issues commands.
There are various ways that legal authority could develop. Systems of convention, laws and regulation develop in many societies, and there are many different principles of legality that occur. The development of law in the West leads to establishment of a legal system, such that there is a rule of law, written legal codes, legal rights and rules, and the "professionalized administration of justice by persons who have received their legal training formally and systematically.". In the West, Weber connects these forms to the development of rationality and bureaucracy. Other legal forms in societies in other parts of the world could develop in quite a different direction, perhaps blocking the development of rationality.
Navy is the military arm of the world government and the closest thing we have to a real life structure. Characterized by a well-defined hierarchy and a rigid system of rules,the centerpiece of this puzzle turns out to be the Fleet Admiral. This position is responsible for managing the sailors, negotiating with the Gorosei, but more important: determine the ideology to be followed during the term.

However, the big difference between the legal authority and the other two is: While in the traditional and charismatic, the organization is at the service of the leader, here the leader is at service of the organization.
Different from the domination exercised by pirates, marines are subject to laws that restrict their actions at certain points. On the plus side, this allows for greater control and manipulation of all the parts that make it up.

That's it, I tried to be as objective and simple as possible, I hope you enjoyed the read. I've been an useless user in the last months so I think it's important to contribute with the community sometimes. I know I forgot to add Mihawk, but I really don't know where to place him, maybe @Den_Den_Mushi would have an idea.

If you think someone can enjoy this read, please tag them. Also, if you didn't enjoyed, feel free to criticize me :)
Great read man

I've had some semblance of this question lingering in the back of my head, but you found the right words and concepts to go in depth on it.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Finally, a thread worth reading

It was really nice.

As per your own classification, Mihawk should come under Traditional Authority.

Weber himself has said " the power of traditional authority is accepted because that has traditionally been the case; its legitimacy exists because it has been accepted for a long time".

He has cemented himself as WSS for a long time with his skills and power and is domination this. And, his authority falls over all those people who are willing to become swordsman just by the virtue of being WSS



Tobidara Believer
I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
@Den_Den_Mushi as @Reborn said, Mihawk can probably be placed in Traditional Dominating.

However, I had one more thought. If we remove Hancock from first group, only antagonists would remain and taking One Piece as a series for teenagers, the manichaeism(duality between good and evil) still one of its main characteristics. So the charismatic side would be the "good guys".
In that sense, we still have a lot to learn about Mihawk: why did he became the WSS? What happened with his island? So when his backstory get revealed, I guess he'll fits the charismatic group(he's an inspiration for Zoro after all).

In other hand, following this same train of thought, we know that Joy Boy is something you can become, and according to Kaido's speech to Luffy "Bigger the Challenge, More you Laugh", only Charismatic Conquerors can become it. Well, that fits WB's quote when he says BB isn't the man Roger was waiting for and his desire to turn Ace into PK.

@TheKnightOfTheSea I forgot about Dragon man, but he's definitely a Charismatic one. I mean, most of revolutionary leaders through our history were charismatic figures.
For Garp, he's a wildcard. He doesn't fits the Legal Dominating, but speaking seriously, I'm still unsure he have this power.


This was a fantastic read. Makes me ashamed of my posts tbh that I’ll even forgive the use of Webber’s sociophilosophy :jay-yeah:

As for Mihawk, given the air of mystery shrouding his presence in the story, he could be slotted in different classifications depending on your perspective. I could even argue he’s in a hybrid class.

Formerly Seth

Well, in Wano/Onigashima, Oda has been focusing on "Color of Conqueror" and the influence this power exerts on the world.
Except the kingly qualities(something that still subjective for many readers), I would like to analyze and compare the characteristics of characters with this ability within Weberian sociology.

First, I'll make a little adaptation and treat both "dominate and conquer" as synonyms(Haoshoku Haki was showed as a imposition of will on others and not necessarily the possession of material things). With that said, we can start!

Power and Domination
"Weber defined power as the chance that an individual in a social relationship can achieve his or her own will even against the resistance of others. And the use of that will in order to give specific commands can be recognized as domination."
In that sense, we can draw the following parallel:
WILL------>POWER------->DOMINATION (Natural process)
WILL------>CoC----------->Intimidation/Incapacitation/(One Piece process)

The three types of Authority
Our sociologist divides authorities(forms of exercising domination) into three different types: Traditional; Charismatic and Legal. Now, I'll explain each type and classify CoC users into referred categories.

-Traditional Authority
*Characters: Big Mom; Kaido; Chinjao; Boa Hancock; Blackbeard(?) and Xebec(?)
This is the type of authority where the traditional rights of a powerful and dominant individual or group are accepted, or at least not challenged, by subordinate individuals. These could be religious, sacred, or spiritual forms, well established and slowly changing culture, family, or clan type structures. The dominant individual could be a priest, clan leader, family head, some other patriarch, or a dominant elite might govern."Traditional authority is based on a claim by the leaders, and a belief on the part of the followers, that there is virtue in the sanctity of age-old rules and powers".

Big Mom:
She's a matriarch and Queen of Toto Land. Her sons respect and follow her will due to a bloody connection, one of the most primordial and powerful forms of relationship. As for the kingdom's subjects, they submit to Linlin through her founding and leader figure. In special cases, she can use fear to ensure her domination over the inhabitants.

He's the leader of Beasts Pirates. Well, if we take a look at his crew, it's easily to find a lot of commons characteristics among its members: Zoan users, similar garments and accessories like horns. Also, we know that Kaido define himself and Yamato as Onis, as a different race. With these facts, I guess it's not that hard to see BP as an artificial clan(or an attempt of it). The Yonko rules here through his strenght and possible patriarch figure.

Don Chinjao
He's the leader of Chinjao Family. In a similar way to Linlin, Chinjao is a patriarch and exerts the influence and power through his blood relatives. The importance of his family treasure and the care for Sai are great signals of that.

Boa Hancock
She's the captain of Kuja Pirates and the current empress of Amazon Lily. Her both positions are cultural/historic related altough she presents a great charisma.

He's the leader and Admiral of Bb Pirates. As the title itself says, the relation between BB and his titanic captains follows a military structure and linked entirely to the desire for power. There's no clearly statements and the sudden recruitment of extremely dangerous prisoners is a good indication that order in the group is maintained only through the use of force(represented in figure of the admiral).

He's the Captain of Rocks Pirates. We know almost nothing about him but he seems to had similar traits to BB.

-Charismatic Authority
*Characters: Luffy, Roger, Zoro, Shanks, Whitebeard, Kid, Rayleigh, Doflamingo, Oden, Ace and Katakuri
Weber defines charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him". That is, charisma is a quality of an individual personality that is considered extraordinary, and followers may consider this quality to be endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or exceptional powers or qualities. Whether such powers actually exist or not is irrelevant – the fact that followers believe that such powers exist is what is important.
Max also considers charisma to be a driving and creative force which surges through traditional authority and established rules. The sole basis of charismatic authority is the recognition or acceptance of the claims of the leader by the followers. While it is irrational, in that it is not calculable or systematic, it can be revolutionary, breaking traditional rule and can even challenge legal authority.

"It's not some sort of special power, but he has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas..."

Mihawk's speech make clear to the readers: "Charisma is Luffy's strongest power". There's no much to explain here, SH invitations, Grand Fleet creation and now the Samurai Alliance shows how Luffy is portrayed as a great Leader, and as consequence, a Conqueror.

“I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous...but it's gonna shake the world!!!”

Roronoa Zoro being a Conqueror isn't a surprise, but maybe you can ask me "Thuru, why a charismatic one?". Well, like I previously explained, this kind of autorithy is related to examplary/admiration, something that definitely fits our swordsman. His hard-work captives Momonosuke(as we can see during their training), back to the beggining of the story we also have Jonnhy and Yosaku, but best evidence is this cover page:
Here we can see that Santoryu, Zoro's own style, has been learned by all kids from his old Dojo. The story from a simple man, with just his swords and willpower, can inspire the whole world.

"It doesn't matter who you are born to, everyone is a child of the sea and it is wrong to resent a child for his father's sins."

Strongest Man in the World, Rival of Pirate King... WB doesn't need introductions. You're probably wondering why WB isn't in the "traditional autorithy" if his domination was direct related to his family. Well, actually, WB's family wasn't built through blood like Chinjao or BM, but it was forged with care, apprenticeship, love and some punches. His charisma was the key, and the proof is that even the Ace, another conqueror, was dominated by this man.
Whitebeard could have conquered all the seas and islands of the world, but instead of that, this man chose to conquer hearts"

"I lost my mother when I was 8...and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of "Executive" or above are my "family" with whom I've shared my joys and sorrows. They're the only thing I have! I won't forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?"
I believe this quote is enough to proof why Donquixote Doflamingo is here. Like WB, Doffy won a family, not through his Tenryuubito status, but through his own effort and experience lived with these persons. Off course, if we analyze in his perspective of Dressrosa's King, he would fits the previous category. However,
looking at the deepest part his characterization, this place belongs to him.

"You Can Pour Drinks On Me. You Can Throw Food At Me. You Can Even Spit On Me. I'll Just Laugh That Stuff Off. But...Good Reason Or Not...Nobody Hurts A Friend Of Mine!"

We didn't saw much from Redhair, but looking at his few scenes, it's notorious the similarities between RHP and SH dynamic, specially when we look at Shanks as Luffy's EOS objective. His character has a lot of potential, specially his connections with World Governament and maybe the Underworld. For now, I'll place him here.

"Oden wouldn't be Oden if it wasn't boiled"
Kozuki Oden was the Daimyo of Kuri and son of the former Shogun. Using his massive strenght and intense personality, Oden conquered each one of his "Scabbards" without needing his "social status". He died protecting his friends and allies, thus becoming a heroic figure for the country of Wano.

Roger and Rayleigh
"Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form..."

"Do you wanna turn the world upside down with me?"
Our former Pirate King duo; "Gold and Silver"; "Sun and Moon".
These both mans reached the peak of the world, achieved the One Piece and discovered the truth behind everything.
But more important than that, they conquered the respect from rivals, allies and enemies, being greeted by all as legends. Roger's charisma can be noticed in the way his crew loved him, no matter how strong or powerful you are, true bonds are made through adventure.

"Compared to the 'righteous' greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable."
The man portrayed as rival of Future Pirate King and one of the leaders of next generation, Eustass Kid has been showing a great will along the current arc, mainly with regard to Killer and the rest of his crew. The mutual confidence covered in the last chapters can't be achieved with a simple skill demonstration , Kid's will and leader figure are the reason why Killer can give can give his total.

-Legal or Rational Authority
*Characters: Sengoku, Akainu(?) and other admirals(?)
This is authority or legitimate domination resting on "rational grounds – resting on a belief in the legality of enacted rules and the right of those elevated to authority under such rules to issues commands.
There are various ways that legal authority could develop. Systems of convention, laws and regulation develop in many societies, and there are many different principles of legality that occur. The development of law in the West leads to establishment of a legal system, such that there is a rule of law, written legal codes, legal rights and rules, and the "professionalized administration of justice by persons who have received their legal training formally and systematically.". In the West, Weber connects these forms to the development of rationality and bureaucracy. Other legal forms in societies in other parts of the world could develop in quite a different direction, perhaps blocking the development of rationality.
Navy is the military arm of the world government and the closest thing we have to a real life structure. Characterized by a well-defined hierarchy and a rigid system of rules,the centerpiece of this puzzle turns out to be the Fleet Admiral. This position is responsible for managing the sailors, negotiating with the Gorosei, but more important: determine the ideology to be followed during the term.

However, the big difference between the legal authority and the other two is: While in the traditional and charismatic, the organization is at the service of the leader, here the leader is at service of the organization.
Different from the domination exercised by pirates, marines are subject to laws that restrict their actions at certain points. On the plus side, this allows for greater control and manipulation of all the parts that make it up.

That's it, I tried to be as objective and simple as possible, I hope you enjoyed the read. I've been an useless user in the last months so I think it's important to contribute with the community sometimes. I know I forgot to add Mihawk, but I really don't know where to place him, maybe @Den_Den_Mushi would have an idea.

If you think someone can enjoy this read, please tag them. Also, if you didn't enjoyed, feel free to criticize me :)
Very enjoyable read. What I would add for Zoro but obviously with different words to make it more understandable. It appears that Zoro unconciously held back on his Conqueror's ambition/malice to not slow Luffy down. He probably thought if he went all out every time he may steal the spotlight from Luffy or slow down his growth process or something like that. In the last chapter, he understood that he doesn't have to do it, and going all out with his ambition will only drive Luffy closer to his goal while not slowing down on his own.
Damn,great post.But i don't think Oda is this clever to pull something as sophisticated as this off.Mihawk could be considered a charismatic powerhouse i guess,since he is the most talented swordsman currently.He inspires a legion of swordsmen to train and try to challenge him,they don't directly follow him,but inevitably he has influenced their lives.Also,he doesn't seem to fit the other types,so by a process of elimination we could consider him a charismatic type.
Great thread

I think Law figured out the best Doffy's character in Dressrosa. While he's the evil charisma, he's a manipulator, even to his own crew, he always has that god complex within his character. And even his string fruit serves as symbol of manipulation.

Let's not even talk about Monet and Vergo ready to blow themselves up in Punk Hazzard, it was due to Dofft's manipulation. Doffy similarly wanted to manipulate Law only so he could use his ope ope no mi surgery on him, and with his charisma he would have gotten the better of him if not for Corazon, or he wanted even Corazon to eat the ope df as he didn't know he had a df at that time.