Gorosei Informer

Anyone: hi
@Shimotsuki Ghostly :
- A long time ago there was a user who said hi in the Waiting Room every day. Once, he said so many "hellos" that he was summoned by the Council of "Hellos" to be one of the members of the association.

He was happy to finally be accepted by a group of people, but he became even more ambitious and tried to take over the leadership of the Council of Hellos for himself. This ended up generating a huge battle between them that resulted in the death of the former leader of the Council of Hellos, making this user the newest leader.

20 years later, the son of the former leader of the Council of Hellos vows to avenge his father's death, creating a plan to kill the current leader of the Council of Hellos. He starts spamming hello in every thread on the forum, causing curiosity in the Council of Hellos, and is subsequently drafted to be the newest member of the Council of Hellos.

By this time, he had already earned the trust of all Council members and also the most popular among them. His charisma ended up attracting the curiosity of the Council Leader, who decided to make him his right hand man, and for 5 years, they stayed side by side saying "hi" in the threads.

5 years was enough for him to earn the Council Leader's trust and respect, fall in love with the Leader's daughter, and be the number 2 of the Council of Hellos, however, the time for his revenge against the Leader had arrived. One day, he agreed with the Leader to post "hi" in the threads, together, but the Leader did not know that it was an ambush, the thread in which they decided to spam "hi" was from a guy called @EmperorKinyagi who was very strict with "spam", but by the time the Leader realized it was a trap, it was too late.

Kinyagi had already contacted the forum guardian named "t", who permanently banned the Forum Leader. It had been 25 years since the oath of the Son of the former leader of the Council of Hellos, he had already planned every detail of his revenge to the millimeter, and so in the last seconds of the Leader of the Council of Hellos, The Son of the former leader of the Council of Hellos said : normally I say "Hi" to people, but to you I say Goodbye ;)

End! (I didn't used CHATGPT)
Lmaoooo, very good, very nice! That last line was killer especially, love it! Great ending! Council of Hellos is too funny too! Are Adele and Lionel Richie part of it?
I can see Pot, Rottie, Reloaded, BangOO and certain others being part of it, but I'll spare them the tag spam for a change lol.

Thats even better that you didn't even use ChatGPT for this! You could have genuinely fooled me tbh! Fool summary even!

The Council of Hellos made me think of these somehow lol:

(This is also the Gorosei speaking to Imu)

(Boa Hancock and the Joker got more in common then apparent at first lol. Although Doflamingo is also called Joker too ofc)
Post automatically merged:

OMG, that pic hahahaha!

Ballerina Bepo is too perfectly funny!

Weirdly adorable too!


Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free

Bepo D. Bear

Well-Known Bear
What do you know that I don't?
You forgot about that? Oh, this is bad :emohiyo:

Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I'll use it against you when the time has come tho.

No guilt. I didn't do it :handsup:

Well I'm pushing it anyway :parkcry:
Good luck with that :yearight:

Now would Sanji fawn over Lawette, even though he knows he is normally a man?
Of course he would, Lawette best girl in OP :blush:

Gorosei Informer

Now would Sanji fawn over Lawette, even though he knows he is normally a man?
Scenario 1: Law Transformed

In this scene, the Straw Hat crew is on an island where they come across Blackbeard's crew, and Doc Q, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, uses his mysterious disease fruit powers to turn Law into a stunning woman. Law, being very composed, doesn’t seem to react much to his sudden change. Meanwhile, Sanji is having a complete mental breakdown.

Sanji: (Sparkling eyes) Trafalgar-swan! You look breathtaking!

Female Law: (Annoyed) Just find a way to reverse this.

Sanji: Of course! But in the meantime, would you care for a gourmet lunch, my lady?

Chopper: Sanji! We need to focus on reversing this!

Sanji: A gentleman must ensure a lady is well-fed! (Starts preparing an extravagant feast)

Female Law: (Deadpan) ...Room. (Teleports Sanji away into the sea)

Luffy: Law, you need to keep that ability handy!

Scenario 2: Zoro Transformed

The crew is infiltrating one of the New World islands and encounters Ivankov. For some reason, Ivankov decides that turning Zoro into a woman would be helpful for the mission.

Female Zoro: (Completely unfazed) If it helps the mission, whatever.

Sanji: (Eyes turn into hearts) Marimo-chan!! You’re so beautiful!

Female Zoro: (Glaring) Cook. Focus.

Sanji: But how can I focus when such a beauty is in front of me? Zoro-swan, let me protect you!

Female Zoro: I can handle myself.

They approach an enemy base. Sanji, in a daze, walks in front.

Female Zoro: (Sighs, draws sword) Looks like I need to save the love-cook.

As Female Zoro battles enemies, Sanji is in the background with a sign saying "Go Zoro-Swan!" and faints from the sheer beauty of Zoro's swordsmanship.

After the mission, when they both turn back to normal:

Sanji: (Distressed) I can’t believe I said all those things to moss-head!

Zoro: Let's never talk about this again.

Sanji: Agreed.


Gorosei Informer

Bonus scenario of Reiju swooning for Zoro btw!:


Reiju, the poison pink, sits across from Zoro, looking at him with sparkling eyes. Sanji, who is nearby, prepping food, raises an eyebrow as he observes the interaction.

(Zoro's sword catches her eye)
Your sword... It's so... big, and... strong. You must be very powerful, Mr. Zoro.

Zoro shrugs, completely unaware of the tone she's using.

Yeah, I guess.

Reiju continues, her tone getting more flirty.

And you have such a rough, rugged look about you... it’s... quite appealing.

Zoro raises an eyebrow, looking at Reiju suspiciously.

You feeling okay, Reiju?

Suddenly, Sanji chokes on the food he was tasting, almost dropping his spatula.

(stammering, aghast)
R-R-Reiju?! You...you're swooning over...over...Moss-head?!

Reiju blushes, but maintains her composure.

Well, I can't help it if I have good taste, now can I?

Sanji looks horrified and his face drains of color, experiencing what can only be described as karmic irony. Zoro just scratches his head, confused. Meanwhile, Reiju continues to admire Zoro from afar, much to Sanji's dismay and Zoro's obliviousness. Sanji slumps onto the deck, his world spinning. The irony of the situation is too much for him to handle.


Gorosei Informer

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