CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
OH GOD WHY?! LMAO! @EmperorKinyagi

@Mr. Reloaded @CoC: Color of Clowns @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Pot Goblin @Meeyori @Rottkins


Let's make this even worse now!:
Title: One Piece Moon: The Dark Side of the Moon

Scene 1: The Hidden Chamber in Mariejois
  • Sabo infiltrates the Holy Land Mariejois in search of answers regarding the World Government’s secrets. He stumbles upon a hidden chamber.
Sabo: This is it. The truth lies behind this door.
  • He quietly opens the door and gasps at what he sees.
Scene 2: The Transformation of the Gorosei
  • Inside, the Gorosei are standing in a circle, holding hands, and chanting.
Gorosei: By the sinister power of the Ancient Moon, we summon thee!
  • There’s a blinding light, and when it clears, the Gorosei have transformed into dark versions of the Sailor Moon Scouts, with ominous uniforms and crowns.
Sabo (whispering to himself): This is both horrifying and strangely captivating.
Scene 3: The Arrival of Imu

  • Suddenly, a dark figure descends from above. It's Imu, dressed as an evil version of Sailor Moon, with a dark scepter and all.
Imu (in a sinister voice): I am Dark Sailor Imu, ruler of shadows and deceit!
Sabo (still whispering to himself): Oh, Neptune...
Scene 4: The Dark Prophecy

  • Imu begins speaking about a sinister prophecy.
Imu: We, the Dark Celestial Sailor Scouts, have manipulated the world for centuries. But there is one destined to take my place, the true Dark Sailor Moon – Carrot of the Mink Tribe!
Scene 5: Carrot’s Arrival

  • Sabo runs back to inform the Revolutionary Army and ends up bringing Carrot to Mariejois.
  • Carrot enters the chamber and is greeted by Imu and the Gorosei Sailor Scouts.
Imu: My spawn, you are destined to cast shadows upon the world with the power of the Dark Moon!
Scene 6: Carrot’s Transformation

  • Carrot undergoes a magical transformation and becomes a dark version of Sailor Moon, complete with a sinister and gothic outfit.
Carrot: In the name of the dark moon, I will spread shadows and deceit!
Scene 7: Alabastan Soldiers Attack

  • Suddenly, a group of brave Alabastan soldiers led by Vivi, having learned about the dark forces, storm the chamber.
Vivi: We won’t let you tarnish the world with your darkness!
  • An epic battle ensues, with the dark Gorosei Sailor Scouts and Dark Sailor Imu fighting against the Alabastan soldiers.
Scene 8: Sabo's Dilemma
  • Sabo, who has been watching all of this, is torn.
Sabo: I must help them!
  • Sabo jumps into the fray, aiding the Alabastan soldiers.
Scene 9: The Defeat of Darkness
  • With Sabo's help, the forces of Alabasta manage to defeat the Dark Celestial Sailor Scouts.
  • Dark Sailor Imu and the Gorosei are sealed away by an ancient jutsu performed by Vivi.
Vivi: May the light forever keep the darkness at bay!
Scene 10: The Aftermath

  • The Alabastan soldiers and Sabo leave the chamber, with Carrot, who has been freed from the dark influence, joining them.
  • They vow to keep the world safe from such sinister forces.
Sabo: Let’s ensure that such dark powers never resurface again.
If Blackbeard is the Moon in this series...

Uh oh...

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
1087: Bwah?

-Rocks became the worst criminal in the world after breaking out of Mary Geoise as a slave, and stealing a powerful Devil Fruit
-Imu hates Rocks because Rocks also stole all of Imu's nudes of Lily from 800 years ago
-We see the God's Knights departing, one looks like a beyblade, one has a UFO/Turtle on his head as a hat (the turtle is alive), one is sharpening a sword with their teeth

-Sabo and Dragon agree world war is coming, then hear about Egghead Island
-Dragon transforms into flying white dog thing from the Never Ending story, swallows the Revolutionaries in his mouth, then flies off to Egghead

-Sanji and S-Shark were drugged by Edison, and are now having an interprative dance competition
-Caribou gets attacked by Stussy, and is knocked unconscious, with Carrot falling out of him
-Carrot and Stussy lock eyes, as Carrot shouts, "Mom!?! Where are we!?!"

Gorosei Informer

Btw guys, isnt it weird Lafitte is still such a complete mystery despite being a Blackbeard Pirates and being in the story for decades now? No Devil Fruit reveal at least? Barely any screentime?

I feel like with Stussy, Kanjuro and King for example, Oda is gonna do some huge twist with Lafitte down the line. Lafitte might have his own secret agendas, as Blackbeard told Kuzan recently, everyone on the crew has their own agendas they follow too and someone suggested Lafitte could know the secret to stealing DFs and try to do the same to Blackbeard lol.

Lafitte feels like the perfect Brook opponent to me but I know some people like to match him up with Nami or Sanji too.

Lafitte could be a canonical angel type race or as someone joked about it, an "albino Lunarian" lmao.

Blackbeard Pirates and Revolutionaries haven't had any real "traitors" yet so I wonder if Lafitte could be a traitor to the Blackbeard Pirates too somehow, as opposed to the obvious Kuzan betrayal theories?

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco

Gorosei Informer

1087: Bwah?

-Rocks became the worst criminal in the world after breaking out of Mary Geoise as a slave, and stealing a powerful Devil Fruit
-Imu hates Rocks because Rocks also stole all of Imu's nudes of Lily from 800 years ago
-We see the God's Knights departing, one looks like a beyblade, one has a UFO/Turtle on his head as a hat (the turtle is alive), one is sharpening a sword with their teeth

-Sabo and Dragon agree world war is coming, then hear about Egghead Island
-Dragon transforms into flying white dog thing from the Never Ending story, swallows the Revolutionaries in his mouth, then flies off to Egghead

-Sanji and S-Shark were drugged by Edison, and are now having an interprative dance competition
-Caribou gets attacked by Stussy, and is knocked unconscious, with Carrot falling out of him
-Carrot and Stussy lock eyes, as Carrot shouts, "Mom!?! Where are we!?!"
Lmaooooo the part of Imu's nudes of Lily!

The turtle on the head part is great, when I started out making videos/memes/parodies for the first time, I was obsessed with Naruto especially Kakashi and also the series Love Hina and the turtle Tama-chan in it. So I made a logo of Tama-chan on Kakashi's head as you do (from the scene where Naruto pranks Kakashi with the blackboard eraser) and called myself Krazy Kakashi lol.

I can see Oda doing the turtle on a head idea, its great! A turtle UFO even going by what you said!?

The Beyblade part made me laugh too, might have to write a scenario about that now! Beyblade fruit hahaha! Kinda would make them the Tazmanian Devil/Taz of One Piece too then! Sharpening sword with their teeth is hilarious too, sounds like something Kisame or his mentor from the Seven Swordsmen would do! Or Zabuza even!


Interpretive Dance Competition lmao, something like this?

Honestly, the Blackbeard Pirates kinda give me Sailor Moon villain vibes at times.
On a typical day on the Grand Line, Blackbeard's ship, the Saber of Xebec, was floating peacefully in the ocean. A light breeze flowed across the deck, carrying with it the scent of salt and adventure.

Out of the blue, Blackbeard, the notorious pirate and captain of the crew, clears his throat and yells out to his crew, "Ye lads ready for a good ol' sea shanty?"

His crew, expecting a traditional pirate song about rum and treasure, gathered around their boisterous captain. With his usual flamboyance, Blackbeard put one foot on a barrel, puffed his chest out, and surprisingly began to sing... the Sailor Moon English theme song.

"Fightin' evil by moonlight,
Winning love by daylight,
Never running from a real fight,
She is the one named Sailor Moon!"

The crew members exchanged puzzled glances, some struggling to suppress their laughter. This was the fearsome Blackbeard, singing about love and moonlight? They had seen their captain do some strange things, but this was definitely one for the books.

"An' she will never turn her back on a friend,
She is always there to defend,
She is the one on whom we can depend,
She is the one named Sailor...Moon!"

Blackbeard, completely oblivious to his crew's reactions, continued belting out the song, even mimicking the transformations and poses from the show. His large form awkwardly trying to replicate the graceful movements of Sailor Moon was a sight that had his crew rolling on the deck, clutching their sides in laughter.

"She is the one... Sailor Moon!" Blackbeard ended his performance with a dramatic flourish, a wide grin plastered on his face. A moment of silence fell over the crew, before they burst out in applause and hearty laughter, their captain's spirit infectious.

"Cap'n Teach!" one of the crew members exclaimed between chuckles, "Ye sure know how to put on a show!"

"Yes indeed," another added, "I never knew you had such a...unique taste in music!"

Blackbeard simply laughed along, proving once again why he was the most unpredictable and unconventional captain on the seas. "Arr, it's all about variety, me hearties! Variety!"

And so, the rest of the day was filled with more laughter, more songs (traditional sea shanties and other surprising selections from Blackbeard), and another tale to add to their captain's legend.

In the flickering firelight of a camp on some desolate island, the Blackbeard Pirates sit in a semicircle around their fearsome leader. He rises to his feet, swaying slightly, an eerie glint in his eye. He slaps his knee and starts to sing out of the blue.

"Moon Prism Power, Makeup, Zehahahaha!" He begins in a booming voice, and his crew looks around at each other, their jaws dropping.

"Leaping over roofs from shadow to shadow, Silent as the night, as mysterious as the dark side of the moon, we are the champions of Justice - Blackbeard and his Sailor Scouts, Zehahaha!" He belts out, gesturing dramatically with a meaty hand. The crew exchange bewildered looks but refrain from interrupting him, for fear of the consequences.

He sings out the lyrics with gusto, "Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Blackbeard Moon!" He takes a swig of sake and carries on, "She will never turn her back on her friends! She is always there to defend! She is the one on whom we can depend! Zehahaha!"

The crew starts clapping along in sheer bewilderment, their rough faces showing a mixture of surprise and amusement. Blackbeard goes on to assign everyone in his crew their own Sailor Scout identity.

"Van Augur, you're Sailor Mercury - good with strategies and all. Doc Q, you're Sailor Jupiter - green like your horse, Stronger. Burgess, you're Sailor Mars - fiery as your will. Shiliew, with your silvery sword, you're Sailor Venus. Lafitte, you're Sailor Uranus, for you fly like the wind. And Catarina Devon, my dear, you're Sailor Pluto, for your powers as mysterious as the time."

His song ends with a hearty laugh that echoes around the island, the sailors shaking their heads in disbelief. Their captain, Blackbeard, their Sailor Moon, ends his performance with a grand bow, followed by a satisfied burp. His laugh, that infamous "Zehahaha", still echoes in the ears of his bewildered crew, leaving them to wonder what strange adventure awaits them next on their journey.