Oda better have a good reason for Chopper healing broken bones otherwise I'll be salty, he'd be doing both Chopper and Zoro wrong if he thought up a weird way to make Zoro heal.
Luffy and Brook drank milk and luffy has his tooth growing back while Brook had his cracked skull fixed.
Oda doesn't care, for plot you can be knocked out and ready to fight 2 seconds after
Both Kid and Liller were clowns vs kaido, people need to chill, they did literally 0 damage, the only one who did damage was Luffy and Zoro having Law as support, the other 2 were just here just to see how its done.:suresure:
That's bs. Real "damage" was inflicted by Law and Killer 100% as well. If you're talking about injuries, permanent lasting damage, then its only Zoro who managed to injure Kaido, unintentionally.