Gorosei Informer


Bepo was liking my posts from around that time randomly, so I figured it'd be funny to do it :suresure:

btw. We're kicking @Logiko from the Carrot fandom and putting him on trial next @Shimotsuki Ghostly
That's extremely ironic! Why?! LOL! @Pot Goblin better be the judge then!


Btw @Mr. Reloaded This is for you!:


[The room is dimly lit, and a fierce thunderstorm rages outside. MR. RELOADED, a bewildered man, paces nervously. Suddenly, the room becomes ice-cold, and a ghostly figure, MRS. RELOADED, materializes.]

MRS. RELOADED: (with a ghostly growl) Reloaded, you can't run away from me any longer! You still owe me cub support for our furry son!

MR. RELOADED: (panicking) What on Earth? I told you, you're not my wife, and I'm not a furry!

[Ghostly, a translucent figure, appears and chuckles from the corner.]

GHOSTLY: (amused) Oh, this is rich! Looks like we've got a ghostly family reunion, Reloaded. What's the matter, you two? Can't let bygones be bygones?

MR. RELOADED: (pleading) Ghostly, can't you keep her in the ghost realm? I don't need this right now!

MRS. RELOADED: (fuming) Ghostly, tell Reloaded to pay what he owes or he'll be cursed with bunny ears forever!

GHOSTLY: (grinning) Oh, she's not kidding. Those bunny ears are quite the fashion statement, I must say!

MR. RELOADED: (desperate) Bunny ears?! No, no, no! I need an exorcist, not an ex-wife!

[He fumbles for his phone and dials the Ghostbusters.]

MR. RELOADED: (on the phone) Yes, hello? I've got a ghost issue, and it's personal. Can you send someone over right now?

GHOSTBUSTERS OPERATOR: (over the phone) We're on our way, sir. Please stay put.

[Mr. Reloaded hangs up the phone, relieved.]

GHOSTLY: (chuckles) You called the Ghostbusters? Now, that's funny, Reloaded!

MRS. RELOADED: (pouting) He's avoiding his responsibility, Ghostly! Our son needs his cub support!

GHOSTLY: (mischievous) You know, Reloaded, I can also send your son over to chat with you. He's quite furry-ocious!

MR. RELOADED: (exasperated) I don't need a furry son, an ex-wife, or furry-ocious puns! I just need some peace!

[The doorbell rings, and the GHOSTBUSTERS arrive with their equipment.]

GHOSTBUSTER #1: (confident) We heard you have a ghost problem, sir. We're here to help.

MR. RELOADED: (relieved) Thank goodness! Please, get her out of my life!

MRS. RELOADED: (defiant) You can't banish me, Reloaded! I'm here for my cub support!

[The Ghostbusters get to work, trying to capture Mrs. Reloaded.]

GHOSTBUSTER #2: (adjusting equipment) Ma'am, we're going to need you to step back into the spirit realm.

[Mrs. Reloaded resists, but the Ghostbusters eventually succeed in containing her.]

GHOSTBUSTER #1: (to Mr. Reloaded) All done, sir. You should have no more ghostly visitations.

MR. RELOADED: (grateful) Thank you! Finally, some peace and quiet!

[GHOSTLY, still amused, gives Mr. Reloaded a ghostly high-five.]

GHOSTLY: (smirking) Don't be surprised if she haunts your dreams with furry puns, Reloaded. She's quite persistent!

MR. RELOADED: (sighs) I guess I'll have to live with that. At least I don't need to worry about cub support anymore.


Gorosei Informer

Just look at the mess he's causing in the nakama thread :suresure:

: "You can't read the subtext"
: Essays of nothing galore
: Shining Nakama action

Guy's a liability :milaugh:

Why am I feeling a sudden intended Rush of deja vu centering around the phrase subversive affirmations? Why do I want to see it face up against diverging and converging haki and sound waves or whatever? Why do I want to powerscale these two enlightened prophets?!

Gorosei Informer

Still can't believe what Oda did
All within a single dialogue bubble as well
It was so personal. Oda just went so vindictive towards so many characters by the end of and shortly after Wano itself too.

To this day, I genuinely don't understand what be was trying to accomplish with how he handled the finale of Wano and also Yamato, Carrot, Perospero, The BM pirates generally, Zoro, Denjiro, Kiku, Kinemon, Hiyori, Orochi etc.

Wano needs one of those few hour YouTube extreme essay deep dive documentaries on investigating, analysing and understanding what went wrong.

But we know Film Deadbeat/Red Haired Repurcussions was also largely responsible too.

Queen of Zou makes no fucking sense too.