- we see Vegapunk in God Valley 'feeding' a sword a devil fruit, the sword turns into a black haired baby with very special eyes
- Vegapunk was ordered by Garling to create a friend for his nephew
- we see baby Shanks all alone in a room, constant CoC haki is being release and people close to the room are knocked out
- We learn Shanks is the baby of Garling's sister, the baby doesn't have a father, it was conceived out of pure Haki, Garling calls him the Chosen One that will bring balance and return the world back in one piece
- we see Vegapunk in God Valley 'feeding' a sword a devil fruit, the sword turns into a black haired baby with very special eyes
- Vegapunk was ordered by Garling to create a friend for his nephew
- we see baby Shanks all alone in a room, constant CoC haki is being release and people close to the room are knocked out
- We learn Shanks is the baby of Garling's sister, the baby doesn't have a father, it was conceived out of pure Haki, Garling calls him the Chosen One that will bring balance and return the world back in one piece
Can you stfu?