-It is revealed that the ship was destroyed by Kaido, he is in his flying giant dragon form
- Marine Ships shoot cannonballs at him, but they are ineffective, he uses boro breath and destroys many
-He transforms into a hybrid form and smashes through the ceiling of the lab to land where Saturn and Kizaru are
-Everybody is shocked, Kizaru is sweating
-Kaido: "Mugiwara!!!! Bring him to me!"
-Kizaru: "K-Kaido..."
-Saturn: "Borsalino.... You said you would do stop him and Big Mom at the same time, go deal with him!"
-Kizaru tries to use awakening to end it quickly but Kaido forsees it and uses death destroyer bagua, it hits Kizaru’s head, blowing it open and his glasses breaking.
Kaido:"Mugiwara!!!! After defeating me, is this the trash you got held up by?! The joy boy I fought wasn't so weak!! Get back up! I shall see you make this world kneel, and it'll start with that old man!!"
-Scene shifts focus to Lucci and Zoro, Zoro uses lion song but Lucci dodges and counters with shigun, Zoro is badly injured, Lucci is about to use another move when he is hit by a jet of water." what the hell?! Sea water?! I'm losing strength!!! "
End of chapter break next week