Is this why Oda had Zoro skip taking Nidai Kitetsu in Wano? So he could fight Gandhi next arc and steal Shodai Kitetsu from him?

its a higher grade afterall :crazwhat:

@nik87 @mly90 @HA001 @Roronoa-sama @Artem
Zoro's not giving sandai.
The 12 supreme grade blades are based on real life Nippon, later it was updated to 15, what this means is that 3 new supreme blades will be made.
There are 12 blades that hold the rank of Saiju Ō Wazamono (Supreme Grade). This is the highest classification of Wazamono. In the reprinted edition in 1805 and the major revised edition in 1830, 3 swordsmiths Soboro Sukehiro (ソボロ助広), Osafune Kagemitsu (長船景光), and Izuminokami Kanesada (和泉守兼定 = Kanesada II) were added to the list.
3 new swordsmiths=3 new supreme blades in OP