You are not even talking about fact, at all.
I have already pointed out that we don't know of Shanks was actually born in GV (fact). You chose to belive he Is becuse, and I can quote, "you don't think Oda is keeping that a mystery" (opinion). Do as you please, but don't try to sell It as as a fact.
Second, you want me to post It again?
Shanks explicilty said "in the place I grew up". Explicitly.
Now, we can speculate and say GV might be the place in which Shanks was born, but surely It wasn't the Place he grew up. That Is, another time, fact.
Now, you can still belive what you want obviusly, but as I said don't be flabbergasted by the fact we don't.
I am perfectly fine with this, until you start saying that what you are saying Is the indisputable truth and it's "a fact".
Lol, not at all.
There are tons of thrads about why the Nika Nika doesn't made sense, why the Government should have know way before and so on.
Oda does not care. He wanted that and he did It.