CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Social media isn't an issue.

Unregulated Toxicity on it is.

And, there are many more reasons like materialistic society.

People are too busy running after aspirations and work that people and relations have taken a back seat.
Social media is like a party where everyone is invited, there's barely any security, and most of the security was hired straight out from their mothers' basements and only kick out the people they dislike themselves.

Sounds like hell to me, and it is

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Please don't share information that can lead to identifying the mods and admins in real life.
Try this easy to trick to save money on property:

Live in your mother's basement, free Reddit moderator position available with move in.

Jokes on them, I stole my mother's basement and sold it for One Piece spoilers.

Caribou is a D? I knew it