Gorosei Informer

Kaidos backstory was so depressingly amateur

You'd think Oda would cook up some unique backstory for one of the Strongest Pirates standing in the pinnacle of a shifting era

But all you get is...

Small niggga, medium ****, big niggga

and then the fanboys defend it with

"it's because his backstory it's gonna be resolved when we see the God Valley flashback, let him cook"

bro, we needed this now, this is Kaido's arc as a villain and being defeated, getting his flashback later would be shit

Gorosei Informer

Oda fanboys are pretty hard to talk too

they are like walls

but defending the fake out deaths it's something i've seen for the first time here

even the hardest fanboys i've seen still talk trash about the fake out deaths

this man has reached a new level of COPIUM
I've been saying similar stuff too^

Oda's Colour of Cultists > Conqueror's neg diff.
To an extent, yes, but there were just simple things where expectations should have been met and they werent:

- Half of Big Moms crew was ignored, yet teased on WCI. They all were here, and ironically the only one that got focus was one that already got focus on WCI. Luckily they escaped and are MIA, but still, odd if you are going to take out BM in Wano.

- If Doflamingo/ Kata had awakening, then there should be no excuse for Queen and King in the least to not have it.

- Let alone the Yonko. If they had it, at least make it clear they had it.

- The arc ended way too quickly vs. other arc climaxes relative to arc length. While wano will be relevant in the future, 7 chapters was way too short for how he left off certain plotlines. No Hyou goodbye, no reaction from Kiku about Izo, Izo and Asura's deaths were way too sudden, no updates on Apoo/Numbers, Drake and Hawkins, BM/Kaido etc. Too much of that just left blank.

The arc to me is not as bad as some people here exaggerate, but it clearly needed 20 more chapters. It should have ended "now" as a reference.
It didn't need 20 more chapters, it needed to cut 20 chapters and have it end sooner but give more time to the ending instead of the filler in the raid. Otherwise agreed with all of your criticism. Most of the "criticism" by Zolobois is just cope though
Kaidos backstory was so depressingly amateur

You'd think Oda would cook up some unique backstory for one of the Strongest Pirates standing in the pinnacle of a shifting era

But all you get is...

Small niggga, medium ****, big niggga

At the very least Kaido delivered in terms of feats. I do not know how bad BM fans feel. Forget awakening her given abilities were nerfed hard. I almost dropped OP the chapter she lost
the majority of hate in wano was due to certain fanbases having certain expectations that werent met
Expectations? Bruh... you have to be 15 or something

Tama's existence and stretch of chapters went on for far too long. There were no expectations tied to this entire Gifter Plotline.
The Ice Oni plotline stretched on for far too long and had little to no repercussions & such a mediocre 'antitode' and treatment
Luffy climbing upstairs, shot back down, and climbing up again over the course of 7 chapters (Quarantine time 2-3 months)

I could go on and on

The biggest issues were pacing, irrelevant plotlines, dragged out events, fake out deaths, bizarre deaths no one cared about, and on top of all that majority plot issues weren't even resolved... ffs the whole notion of opening the borders was either scrapped or pushed for endgame, yet they kept repeating that shit since fucking Zou....

Kaido's backstory isn't complete. Especially since the chunk of it is with Rocks pirates and it doesn't make sense to tell all about now.
just like i said

and then the fanboys defend it with

"it's because his backstory it's gonna be resolved when we see the God Valley flashback, let him cook"

bro, we needed this now, this is Kaido's arc as a villain and being defeated, getting his flashback later would be shit
actual broken records
and then the fanboys defend it with

"it's because his backstory it's gonna be resolved when we see the God Valley flashback, let him cook"

bro, we needed this now, this is Kaido's arc as a villain and being defeated, getting his flashback later would be shit
Kaido is done. Theres no going back. If he does come back its either a cameo or a power level reference to scale vs someone else
No one can justify his absolutely childish lack of any effort backstory
Shit I am positive a 10 year old could come up with that shit