Chapter 1080: Red Haired Shanks.

- The entire chapter is a flashback.
- Story starts in God Valley, few days before the incident.
- Shanks's mom is called Fegarland Juusia, she is a Celestial Dragon.
- Then we're finally presented to his father: Rocks D. Xebec.
- Shanks looks similar to Xebec in his appearance.
- Shanks full name is Fegarland D. Shanks.
- In the end of the chapter, we find out that Roger told the truth to Shanks and asked him to recruit new pirates, that one of those new pirates would become Joy Boy.

No break next week :D
1080: The Blackbeard Pirates: An Emperors crew
- Chapter starts at Fullalead island
- Garp is rampaging across the island, also unleashing CoC and knocking out fodder all over the island
- Shiryu and Kuzan block his part, Garp tells them to let him pass, he's here to pick up Coby
- Kuzan talks about his debt to Garp, but he can't let him pass, his captain has plans for Coby
- We cut away to Egghead, S-Hawk attacks Robin's group, but is blocked by Kaku
- At the shores of Egghead we see Zoro, he got lost and finds Blackbeards ship
- On the ship is a heavily injured Law, Zoro ask him what happened
- Law tells how he got defeated by Blackbeard, he managed to escape, but Blackbeard somehow stole his powers, Zoro is shocked
- Back on Fullalead island Garp, Shiryu and Kuzan are all very beat up. Garp tells them that in his youth he would have destroyed them with ease
- Chapter ends with Blackbeard returning and walking up to them, he says it's time for Garp to visit Roger and Whitebeard