"Chapter 1087 is worth waiting for a month! 🔥 If you liked the previous chapter, you'll definitely like this one. Have you seen those chapters that give you the feeling that the end is near? Well, this is one of them. 🔥 I'm trying to share the hints as quickly as possible."

Basically repeating Redon words we have too many frauds :suresure:
Again cap dude has already lifted a torpedo that was already trying to hit a ship underwater. So while under water pressure on a fast moving target emitting speed and momentum with one arm koby lifted and threw an entire torpedo. Which literally means there is something different about the canon ball hence hibari making mention of it before being turned to ice
Lmfao you really are waiting on cannon ball lore, that's how shaky Coby's powerlevel is now.
I know its hard to enter vet tier but he'll get there eventually

Can't expect more from someone who blushes at Kyros's strength tbh