CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Neither, honestly. It's One Piece. Kills happen 'whenever Oda feels like the plot needs it right now.' The real embarrassment was when Oda completely dropped and altered their character arcs. Both characters needed at least 5 to 10 more chapters to delve into their history with Rocks and provide a satisfying conclusion. For some inexplicable reason, Oda decided to conclude Wano with around 20 unresolved plotlines. I'll go to my grave believing that Yamato was definitely going to join the crew until Oda had a last-minute change of heart. Only Momonosuke's heritage arc was given a satisfying payoff. Heck, it's the only arc that was even given a legitimate pay off at all.

/end rant
Soon. Sooooooooon.

Oda wanting to deal with Vegapunk, who deals with ancient technology, before fully revealing Pluton makes sense.

It's all the other hanging plot threads that left a bad taste in my mouth. Carrot and Yamato should have joined, stranding them on that island was so stupid. Bleh. Even people who hated Yamato and Carrot thought it was dumb.

Anyway, Act 4 soon. I hope we get starving Big Mom going crazy, with Kaido fighting her to stop her. Starving insane Big Mom vs Kaido goes hard.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
If there is a live action season 2, Oda is going to drive us crazy with Break?:chirstsad:
This is my greatest fear. That the Live Action leads this to becoming a bi-monthly manga, which it's already getting close to. Hopefully Oda's done a lot of set-up work for the future arcs in the live action, so he doesn't have to be as involved in filming and casting going forward.
This is my greatest fear. That the Live Action leads this to becoming a bi-monthly manga, which it's already getting close to. Hopefully Oda's done a lot of set-up work for the future arcs in the live action, so he doesn't have to be as involved in filming and casting going forward.
He can also send one of his assistants to help them
Oda better choose actors during his regular weekly break this year