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Onepiece Chapter 1122: The 12 Apostles

The first few pages is about the outside world. We get a page with each of the 12 on the last page of chapter 1121.

Buggy crying but has an expression of being ready to obtain the onepiece

Cut to blackbeard. He is some how able to hear the live broadcast from vegapunk. He is also on his ship. We have 0 idea of where he is heading too. Blackbeard states that he needs to obtain the onepiece

We then pan to beehive and see kuzan in an underground prison. We see that garp has been captured and is chained up conversing with kuzan whom states that if the onepiece is world changing that he trusts himself with in.

Scene shifts to Marine Hospital. Koby is out of bed. He speaks to xdrake that hands the title of sword leader over to him upon hearing koby's fear in beehive. Koby tries to turn it down stating its his fault but Smoker walks up to him (smoker had already arrived) stating that if he does blame himself take up the mantle and correct his mistake since the world acknowledges koby as the Hero of the Marines. Sword members all agree with koby being leader of sword. Smoker hands new outfits and gear that he was carrying in the box chapters ago. Koby is shocked seeing the Kanji on his marine coat changed with smoker stating that koby now bared the same title as vice admiral along with now being the leader of sword. We see off in a far distance 4 marines ships coming to the hospital. On it is sengoku, tsuru, momonga etc. Koby states that sword needs to get stronger to free garp and to stop the pirates from retrieving the onepiece.

Scene shifts to akainu, that states that he knew that those old geezers (gorosei) were hiding something. He states that he now has to physically act and that HE will be the new world government.

Scene shifts to garling. His focus is on what the Revs will do now that info has been leaked.

Scene changes again to the Revs. Both dragon and sabo are thinking about what the gods knights and the world government will do now. Dragon wants to find and Destroy the onepiece since he feels that the world government will try to get it for themselves. He also believes that absolute power corrupts absolutely and thus he does not want the revs to have it. He believes no one should have it. Sabo on the other hand wants to get the onepiece to protect luffy from the evil he felt which is imu.

Scene pans to Shanks who is drinking thinking about luffy. Shanks monologs to himself saying that he hopes luffy is ready since he won't go easy on him.

Final scene pans to luffy who manged to save the sunny. He is now on board the sunny. Chapter ends with the iron giant eneth about to use what seems to be a self destruct
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