My prediction for chapter 1138
- Chapter title: "Holy Knights"
- Cover story; Yamato & Otama attacks Who's Who underlings
- Shamrock summons the other holy knights, we know their look, names, & powers
- Holy knights scatter in Elbaph, they attack the giants, and the war starts
- in the last page Luffy, Zoro, & Nami reach Shamrock's place, Luffy is shocked
- Chapter title: "Holy Knights"
- Cover story; Yamato & Otama attacks Who's Who underlings
- Shamrock summons the other holy knights, we know their look, names, & powers
- Holy knights scatter in Elbaph, they attack the giants, and the war starts
- in the last page Luffy, Zoro, & Nami reach Shamrock's place, Luffy is shocked
Next chapter the only thing that will happen is the cover story. Then, the chapter after that, Shamrock talks to the gorosei... then, the next chapter Shamrock summons the HK. To see their designs we'll need 3 more chapters... and 2 more to learn their names.