Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.9%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 96 63.2%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 18 11.8%

  • Total voters
Stussy claps Sanji

Kuma died

Someone eats Kuma's fruit (the fruit spawned in Egghead and Franky ate it? don't ask me how)

Kuma died

Luffy, Zoro, Kaku, Lucci alliance thing

Kuma is shot to death and there is blood
kuma died 3 times

Formerly Seth

@ArturCantSpeakJapanese you were right about it being tequilla and not water (re: the MJF situation)

Ngl it's fucked up, work or shoot. It got into the kid's eye and it's just bush-league. He should've done something more age appropriate for the kid like ripped up his sign or foam finger or something.

This way he got one up on a fan in keyfabe and irl, and then went on to win the match. Wrong on all levels.

The worst thing is he can't make it up to the kid because he insists on being a heel even irl
Be careful with this. It's easy to get trolled by kayfabe. Similar situation happened after one of the cruises where apparently Mox insulted a cripple and people started feeling bad for it and it turned out to be a work and that disabled guy was fucking hyped because max treated him like everyone else.

Mother of this kid don't react when MJF takes the cup until he throws it at the kid and she has Adam Cole t shirt after MJF went on a rant vs Britt and Adam.
Stussy claps Sanji

Kuma died

Someone eats Kuma's fruit (the fruit spawned in Egghead and Franky ate it? don't ask me how)

Kuma died

Luffy, Zoro, Kaku, Lucci alliance thing

Kuma is shot to death and there is blood
Based, Pringles Holmes :pepebusi:

Gorosei Informer

I want a good one piece game 😭
Pirate warriors 1 was good though
Aye its really frustrating to see. They start off with great concepts but always fall hard in execution. They have a serious boner for forcing us to replay the same story arcs over and over, especially freaking Marineford! How many times do we need to see Ace and WB die!? FFS! At least Pirate Warriors experimented with more unique storylines, especially the 1st two games? 3 only did it for Dressrosa and 4 for Wano only? I've not played 1 and 2 but I've heard about them.

Unlimited World Red has some really cool stuff in it but its an awful game lol. Extremely grindy and limited, way too repetitive.

Burning Blood just lets you ONLY play freaking Marineford but is the only game where Gild Tesoro is playable too, sigh!
Plus you have to level up all your characters seperately in that apparently and they all get some kind of notification spam or something for levelling up? I remember some negative reviews mentioning it lol.

I've not tried World Seeker but it seems pretty mid to awful even according to some people. It seems like a mod for a game like the Witcher or Skyrim or something, like Luffy and co were juxtaposed into some kind of more "realistic" looking world and game, not an anime world lol. Like how we get tons of anime mods for GTA? Goku/Naruto/Luffy in GTA etc? Or for Skyrim ofc!

Not tried Odyssey yet but willing to give it a chance despite how mid it sounds, the story really intrigues me and it seems to be like Persona maybe as well as Dragon Quest, so I may like it. (Ironically not played either really, just a few mins of Persona 4 but the Perona series does look pretty cool and awesome!)

One Piece deserves MUCH better games though on god!
I keep saying Skies of Arcadia is the ultimate unofficial One Piece game tbh! I haven't played it in maybe 2 decades now at most, maybe a little less BUT my god, what a hell of a game it was! So much fun! It was so much like One Piece in spirit, with tons of exploration and thus world building, similar sort of tragic but interesting characters, goofy/whimsical, fun and carefree. I really adore that game!

Zelda: Wind Waker and this charming indie imitation type game for it called Oceanhorn felt like the closest One Piece type games for me too. More of a solo sailing experience but still very sweet, charming, cute and fun! I've not played Assassins Creed Black Flag but apparently its a great pirate game too and there's Sea of Thieves too ofc?

We need a One Piece game that really lets us sail, explore the islands we've seen in One Piece and maybe new ones, to actually control the Sunny, use its functions, have naval battles, explore the Sunny too and just feel like actually part of the One Piece story and world and playing as ALL the SHs too, not just Luffy especially!

They keep half assing the One Piece games and it's frustrating/sad as hell really.