Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
:moonwalk:Fiends vs Providers Chapter 8:moonwalk:

I had the final chapter planned after Chapter 7 before going on hiatus. Thought I’d try this weekend, but I woke up to @AL sama becoming admin :risitameh: Which is something the 3 year old in me can’t ignore :risiup:

Hence, this is the PENULTIMATE chapter! Hopefully, I'll get to edit the final chapter next weekend or
the one after that before going on hiatus again :risicheck:

To understand the reference in the first half of the chapter :luchosop:




I will never forgive Oda
:moonwalk:Fiends vs Providers Chapter 8:moonwalk:

I had the final chapter planned after Chapter 7 before going on hiatus. Thought I’d try this weekend, but I woke up to @AL sama becoming admin :risitameh: Which is something the 3 year old in me can’t ignore :risiup:

Hence, this is the PENULTIMATE chapter! Hopefully, I'll get to edit the final chapter next weekend or
the one after that before going on hiatus again :risicheck:

To understand the reference in the first half of the chapter :luchosop:

You made me the dumb clown:jay-he::jay-he::jay-he:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
ALSO I FINALLY FOUND WAITING ROOM AGAIN it's harder and harder to find it :josad:
Quick guide to find this place:

Go to "Forums" right under the W in the WorstGen Banner (it's next to Donation, What's new, and Members)

Next, scroll down to the "Multiverse Section"; the last available option is "Ground Floor"

The Waiting room is one of the pinned threads in that section. Hope this helps, I hated losing the link to this place in the past.
In my headcannon,Shanks will be the one to fight Luffy on laught tale,that way we will have the passing the straw hat moment and his allegiance for the final war.
Ngl when i was a kid and i saw the scene of Mihawk visiting Shanks to tell him about Luffy's bounty i thought it would be great if the final battle will be those two fighting against Luffy & Zoro and both of them achieving their dream at the same time.
:moonwalk:Fiends vs Providers Chapter 8:moonwalk:

I had the final chapter planned after Chapter 7 before going on hiatus. Thought I’d try this weekend, but I woke up to @AL sama becoming admin :risitameh: Which is something the 3 year old in me can’t ignore :risiup:

Hence, this is the PENULTIMATE chapter! Hopefully, I'll get to edit the final chapter next weekend or
the one after that before going on hiatus again :risicheck:

To understand the reference in the first half of the chapter :luchosop:

What in gods name did I just read...