Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
Yeah I got a vague feeling he was but my brain keeps focusing on how much Oda made him a "good guy" later on, like trying to forget/overwrite the bad shit he did? I remember hating him when he fought Sanji but Oda gradually made him a much better person and redeemed him?

Shit man, I forgot so much about this arc, Ill have to re-read it or something, as going through the anime again would be kinda murder/torture potentially. Although god knows I LOVE the finale of Luffy vs Croc in the anime, that was GOD tier!

Its crazy how much Oda changed Bon Clay from what you're saying but wasn't Robin pretty psycopathic too as Ms All Sunday? Fitting given her backstory and working for Crocodile and an organisation like that too but still? Oda even tried to humanise and redeem the likes of Crocodile and Moria, also Kidd more recently, so I wonder if he's gonna do the same for the likes of Doflamingo and Akainu later on for example? Hell, even Kaido at least had 1 moment of deceny/honour when he apologised to Oden for their fight being ruined too.

I need to look this up, I've forgotten so much, damn.
Just because Luffy and co are the protagonists doesn’t mean all their allies are good people, most are downright insane.

The grand fleet is made up of:
1. Aman who revels in murderer - Bartolomeo
2. A mass murderer who didn’t care about killing people just happy to gain fame - Cavendish
3. A literal mafia group
4. A war Criminal - Suleiman
5. Bounty hunters known for brutality

And more.
When did Luffy defeat him? And also Luffy was using named attacks. Lucci didnt use a single one. I stated before how it was post their brief equal fight: Lucci went after Sentomaru trying to kill him, Luffy blind sided him to protect Sentomaru - it was not a 1v1 anymore. Read the chapter again...

Cap. Lucci used a named attack on a weaker person sentomaru.

And was literally being blitzed before pulling off any solid named attacks at all on luffy. .

Luffy literally koed Lucci with the gomu gomu no pistol version of gear 5 lol