Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
You sound triggered. Calm down. It's not that serious. What's your argument for why he couldn't break out of Buggy's cage or the wooden stockade when he was about to get executed? You passed over that.

You say that it's the pirate island as if that matter. There were a shit ton of slaves there. Slaves being left behind wouldn't be the craziest thing in the world.

I don't know what to tell you. If you've read enough comics or manga, anti-feats are common. Kaido and Luffy were caught off guard by Guernica, even though the both have Future Sight. Do you realize how easy it is to bring up stuff like this?
Bro holy fuck shut the fuck up with these paragraphs
- We learn Coby is a clone of Rocks D Xebec
- He was stolen by Alvida at a Marine Base
- Garp tells him he has the potential to become the strongest in the world
- Coby uses CoC to knock out all the fodder on the island, then passes out, Helmeppo and Grus grab him and run away
- Garp stays at the island alone
Act like you dont know anything about this CoCoby rumours and switch Kidd with Coby at rooftop.

Answer me honestly can you really think he can survive up there more than 10 seconds ?
Do you really think he can push guys like Kuzan/Kaido or whatever top tier past low diff given his current state up to 1087 ?
Right now? Probably not. I have him at Kyros level personally. But we never actually saw him fight, so we don't actually know how strong he is. The problem is that people created their own headcanon and now, if something comes out that doesn't fit their preconceptions, they're going to lose it.
If Tobirama had his way, Obito wouldn't have suffered at all.

Of course he wouldn't have been born at all either. But still he wouldn't have suffered at all too.
First they came for the Uchiha and I did not speak out- because I wasn’t an Uchiha

Then they came for the Hyuga and I did not speak out- because I wasn’t a Hyuga

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me